통계학적 모델을 기반으로 한 인체 피부 영상의 분할 및 모델링에 관한 연구
성남 : 경원대학교 대학원, 2010
Thesis(doctoral)-- 경원대학교 대학원 : 전자계산학과 2010. 8
x, 105 p. ; 26cm
Skin analysis has been applied in many fields of both image-based and modeling-based analysis, involving computer assisted diagnosis for dermatology, topical drug efficacy testing for the pharmaceutical industry, and quantitative product comparison for cosmetics. Computer vision attempts to artificially approximate the capabilities of human vision using computers. Image segmentation is a subset of computer vision that attempts to partition an image into logical parts that correspond to objects or regions of interest. The research in the thesis is primarily in the field of human skin related image segmentation and 3D skin modeling.
The skin is a complex organ, which covers the entire body surface as a flexible shield with the primary function to protect the organism and act as permeability barrier to the environment. In computer graphics, the study on skin is used in human simulation, such as facial expression animation, human body modeling and rendering. In computer vision, skin related research is applied for face recognition, fingerprint identification, or people tracking. On the other respects, skin research helps for medicine development, and cosmetic effect evaluation. In the thesis, the research focus on computer-aided skin image segmentation and 3D modeling for cosmetic effect evaluation and display the skin condition with 3D model clearly.
In the thesis, I propose several algorithms for skin image processing and applied different algorithm for 3D modeling based on stereo images. Main research lists in the following:
First, I proposed a global uneven illumination correction algorithm for skin pores detection as a preprocessing. Skin surface is influenced strongly by the light direction especially with high light reflection on the nose and cheek. Before segmentation algorithm, we will consider for illumination correction in original images. K-means algorithm was applied to skin pores detection.
Second, in order to evaluate medicine effect in promotion of hair growth and nutrition, I proposed a framework for hair counting and measurement. My main contribution is an improvement of iterated threshold algorithm for hair segmentation, and also gives the convergence analysis to my algorithm. Skeleton technique solved the conjunction point problem in crossed hairs to hair counting. The error of hair counting has been controlled fewer than 10%. The work is more effective and effortless than counting and measurement manually.
Third, I study on 3D skin reconstruction based on stereo image. In order to obtain reliable disparity map, I proposed the two stage algorithm for dense matching. And in the condition where images without same focus skin regions, I used semi-dense matching algorithms for wrinkle structure extraction. Consider skin properties, I also use MRF model for 3D reconstruction in the finial part. The Evaluation of those algorithms was given in the end of section.
My research about human skin involves in image segmentation and 3D modeling. The proposed algorithms are effect to evaluate the cosmetic functions and the 3D modeling system based on two images can be used in face animation and wrinkle measurement.
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