第2次 世界大戰後 韓·日 兩國의 音樂敎育의 變遷에 관한 考察 : 義務敎育에 있어서의 音樂科敎育을 中心으로 Focused on Music Education under Compulsory Education System = Deliberation on the Change of Music Education in Korea and Japan Since World War Ⅱ.
나재용 (전남대학교 예술대학 국악학과)
The Korean compulsory system established in 1946 afer Korean liberation from the Japanese colonial rule has continued up till now as the trunk of Korean education system. Since the primary school compulsory education began, the system has been completely settled over the past half century. Its basic goals for schooling all and free education have been achieved. However, the conditions for quality education have poorly been formed. The none-yeareducation of 6 years for primary school and 3 years for middle school has, in particular, experienced both anticipations and unrest resulting in a very instable transitional condition.
The picture of music education, too, is not an exception because music education which plays an important role in the subject education of public education is greatly affected by a public education system such as a compulsory education system. The change of the system means that the purpose and contents of music education change, too. As the 6 year compulsory education changes to the 9 year one, the government established a national common basic education course in the 7thNational Curriculum binding 10 years into one package as publicized already. Following this how can music teachers implement it efficiently and achieve the purpose of public education?
To find the solution to the educational problem, this study looked into the music education in the 9 year compulsory education system of japan which has been steadily implemented since World War Ⅱ in comparison with Korean music education. Comparing and analyzing the contents of change of music education in both countries found the following necessary conditions to fulfill the nine year compulsory education successfully.
1. How to accomplish the goals of music education under compulsory education system and minimize the uniformity?
2. To resolve the educational disconnection between primary school and middle school in the gradual education.
3. To make the structure of compulsory education cope with the diversification of social structure.
This research looked into how Japan coped with these problems for the past half century and referred to Japanese trials and errors together with the results of the feedback so as to present an outline for the direction of music education of Korea in the 9-yearcompulsory education system. As a result, this study proposes three items: Realization of even music education opportunity, realization of music education by securing gradualness and realization of music education establishing the connectivity.
Because the realization of even music education opportunity should be the base of all educational practices as the state has legislated the compulsory education system, music teachers should positively comply with the idea of even education opportunity to fulfill the purpose of the system.
The realization of music education securing gradualness should be made by letting music teachers make organized investigations into the actual conditions of students (mental development, music environment and music activities), be faithful to the basic teaching, and establish and implement an education plan for maintaining the connectivity and uniformity between the 6 year and 3 year education.
The realization of music education securing the connectivity should be made by having the administration authorities reduce the maximum number of students for a class to resolve the overcrowded class problem and music teachers establish and practice professionalism and professional ethics.
In conclusion, the music education in the 9 year compulsory education system can fulfill its purpose when it is implemented with the connectivity added to the gradualness on the premise of even opportunity.
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