市販合成洗劑의 經皮急性 毒性에 관한 實驗的 硏究 = Experimental Studies of Acute Toxicity Induced by Korean Products of Synthtic Detergents Applied Directly to the Skin of Mice
漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所(Research Institute for Environmental Sciences Hanyang University)
自國産 合成洗劑의 生體에 미치는 영향에 對해서는 該當國에서의 硏究가 徹底히 이루어지고 있음이 普通이나 우리나라에서는 國産洗劑의 이에 對한 硏究는 거의 없는 듯 하다. 本實驗은 國産合成洗劑의 經皮急性毒性에 對한 豫備試驗으로서 洗劑의 通常用途인 洗濯洗淨時 一次的 接觸이 일어나는 部位인 皮膚에 對한 直接塗布에 依해 惹起될 수 있는 極端의 變化를 觀擦하기 爲하여 市場에서 任意 選擇한 10餘種의 合成洗劑의 高濃度(原液, 50% 및 10%)溶液 2㎖을 mouse 背部皮膚(1㎝×2㎝ 넓이)에 反覆 塗布(4∼5時間 間隔으로 1日 3回)를 持續하였던 바 適用部位의 皮膚에 發赤과 艀腫이 生겼고 呼吸增大, 呼吸數減少, 自發運動減退, 立毛現象, 全身痙擊等의 症狀을 隨伴하였으며 結局은 mouse를 致死케 하였다. 死後의 病理組織 所見으로서는 塗布되였던 部位의 皮膚의 甚한 損傷과 充肝細胞質의 膨脹과 空胞, 腦組織의 充血 및 血管擴張 腎臟의 絲球體와 細尿管에서의 出血等을 認定할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 變化의 程度는 大體로 洗劑의 濃度에 比例되는 듯 하였다. 本實驗의 成編은 濃績은 濃厚 洗劑溶液의 持續的 塗布로서 惹起된 極端의 結果로서 一般的으로 使用되는 경우의 洗劑의 濃度나 皮膚와의 接觸時間과는 큰 差異가 있어 이것을 人體에 對한 毒性과 直接 관련시킬 수는 없을 것이다. 그러나 經皮毒性의 危險性을 排除할 수는 없고 經皮毒性에 關한 具題的인 細胞硏究와 洗劑使用에 있어서의 安全性確立에 必要한 對策樹立이 時急함을 强力히 市唆하는 結果라 思料된다.
Although there is widespread national use of synthetic detergents, there is little data on the effects of these detergents in laboratory animals orin humans, with particular referenceto the Korean national. Most countries demand through investigation of any product sold on the market. An investigation not only of its acute effects, but also of the effects of its chronic use.
This investigation was a preliminary study into the acute potential toxicity of the various synthetic detergents available on the market. By no means did the study attempt to be a definitive examination of these detergents, but merely attempted to point out the potential danger inherent in their uncontrolled use.
Synthetic detergent, undiluted, and in concentration of 50 and 10 percent was used. 2㎖ of the detergent was applied directly to the back skin of mice over a 1×2㎝ area at 4-5 hour intervals, three times a day. Consecutive topical application leads to the decline and eventual death of the mice. The time interval required for death to occur decreased with increasing concentration, and varied with different products.
Local redness and swelling of the skin and a syndrome characterized by increased depth and decreased rate in respiration, decreased spontaneous movement, pilomotor stimulation, and then generalized convulsions were observed before death occurred.
Histopathological studies revealed remarkable skin changes in the area of the application. The skin injury included congestion. Swelling and vacuoles were observed in the liver cells, cerebral vasodilation and congestion was evident, and hemorrhage occurred in the renal glomeruli and tubules.
As previously stated, there were preliminary results; the concentration used was much greate, and of more frequent and prolong application than generally used by the public, and therefore can give no real indication of the effect that synthetic detergent has on the human. However they do suggest that there is danger in the prolonged uncontrolled use of detergents.
Therefore it is essential, as evident from this study, that considerable research into the potential dangers of detergents needs to be conducted.
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