아시아 지역 항만 네트워크 분석을 통한 항만의 역할 분석 : 사회 네트워크 분석 접근법
Social network analysis is a study of relations of the actors in the network. It strives to derive social structure empirically based on observed relationships between actors, rather than labelling them as a group arbitrarily like teachers, constructors, students, investors, and so on. As a social network analyst stated, “The world is composed of networks, not groups.” An actor is an individual or an organization in the network, a relation is a social tie between actors. The relations are established by the act of resource exchange. Resources shared between actors can be tangibles like supplies of goods, or intangibles like services and information. The three dimensions of social relations are direction, strength, and content. Direction indicates which actor sends or receives the relation; strength defines frequency of interaction between two actors; and content defines a specific substantive connection among actors.
The four attributes of social network are prominence, range, brokerage, and cohesion. The attributes measure different characteristics of a social network. Prominence measures “who is in charge”, range measures “how far” an actor can reach other actors; brokerage measures the extent of bridging connections; and cohesion describes the cohesiveness of the whole network. These attributes effectively characterize a social network, but they are not quantitatively. Further metrics to quantify the four attributes are utilized.
Degree, closeness and power centrality determine prominence. Degree is the number of direct connections an actor has with other actors in the network. An actor with high degree is said to be .in the thick of things.. Closeness calculates the frequency an actor falls on the shortest path between two other actors. High closeness index is analogous to high efficiency in information transmission, because short distances mean fewer message transmissions, shorter times and lower costs. Therefore, the higher the degree and closeness, the more central an actor is in its network.
Reachability and geodesic distance compute range levels. Reachability indicates how many times a connection is established between two actors. Geodesic distance is the length of shortest path between two actors. The path can be direct or indirect. A direct path indicates a direct relation or tie, where no intermediaries are involved in establishing the relation. On the other hand, an indirect path indicates an indirect relation, where one or more intermediaries must be involved to make the relation possible. Small reachability and geodesic distance indices indicate cheaper cost of cooperation between actors. Brokerage is measured by betweenness and structural hole. Betweenness is the extent to which an actor sits between two other actors. When an actor is located strategically on the communication path between two others, it holds the power to influence information transmission, whether distorting the information or withholding it. A structural hole is a connection of non-redundant contacts. A strong relation signals the absence of structural hole. Thus, high betweenness and structural hole indices mean higher brokerage power of an actor. Density and centralization measure the cohesiveness of the whole network. Density determines how extensively actors in the network interact among each other
This thesis provides a framework to operate ports strategically with the three social relations and four network attributes using social network analysis. In order to build the framework, first of all, port network should be made. The network is composed of nodes (actors) by port and links (edges) by connectivity (the number of service) or cooperation (the traffic) between ports. The second draws and analyzes the port network using Netminer 3.1. The third analyzes the correlation between throughput and metrics of port networks. And finally compares between network by connectivity and network by cooperation and then finds the roles from centrality and structural hole of network by connectivity and cooperation.
Throughput is more correlated with network by port cooperation than network by port connectivity. In the role analysis by combining degree centrality of port connectivity and cooperation, Singapore(SGP) shows Sustainable global hub status, and Pusan(PSN) and Jawaharlal Nehru(JHN) show unstable global hub status. Hong Kong(HKG) and Yokohama(YKH) indicates unstable regional hub port.
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