敎授·學習指導에서 學校長의 役割
The Purpose of this study is to analyze the role of principal in terms of major concepts,
tasks and theories in instructional leadership, and to construct an overall role framework for
the principal' s instructional leadership.
In general the role of principal is well known two activities. One is the professional person
with intense interest and desire to lead in instruction and learning, and on the other hand he
is the manager who has the responsibility to “ keep school" through the proper administration
and management of people and things as expected by the central administration.
In this way the eternal struggle always takes place and in the end the strong instructional
leadership role is always set aside because of the immediacy and press of everday administrative duties.
It can be defined that role is a standardized pattern of behavior that is expected of everyone
in a particular position. However, it is not clarified what the principal' s specified tasks and
responsibilities are in spite of a key figure in improving curriculum and instruction. Role ambiquity will increase the probability of principol’ s dissatisfied with his job, experiencing anxiety, and consequent1y performing less effectively.
What is needed urgent1y is an honest appraisal of the principal' s role as the instructional
There are a number of factors which prevent the principal from spending the time on instructional leadership.
1. The great majority of schools are considered that the principal is the chief administrator
and gets responsible for all management details owing to the concentration of centralization
and bureaucratism.
2. It is easier to evaluate and account for job activities when dealing with people and things
than with instructional leadership and ideas.
3. The central administration places priority on a “ Well-run" school on smooth operation ;
getting reports in on time, maintaining a well-kept building and grounds, good management
of supplies and equipment, personnel problems, community controversies and discipline problems, etc.
4. There is greater prestige associated with being considered an executive who is “ administratively in charge" rather than professional role as a result of the large size of school.
5. Preparation programs for principals emphasize more management and administration than
they do instruction, curriculum, program evaluation, supervision, and human relations.
6. Mary school principals have a lot of difficulties in performing the teaching activities, in-service education for teachers, poor management of supplies and equipment, and excessive miscellaneous works resulting from poor educational finances.
The following conclusions are made on the basis of the findings that were derived from the
analyses of the principal' s role in the instructional leadership.
1. To establish and clarify the goals of curriculum at school.
2. To allocate and support the adequate equipment, supplies, and materials for achieving educational objectives.
3. To evaluate and develop effective instructional program.
4. To operate and organize the curriculum on the basis of a sound and current set of learning principles concerning curriculum matters.
5. To select and appoint all staff members for the greater instructional effectiveness.
6. To develop and apply the most effective administrative and supervisory procedure and
7. To encourage cooperative development of meaningful program of in-service education.
8. To help staff understand the informations for the change of instructional programs.
9. To facilitate staff involvement in program development.
10. To encourage staff to collect all available informations on the student' s learning needs.
11. To hold reqular principal-teacher conferences to analyze if school programs and activities
are effectively meeting the goals and objectives of the school.
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