스포츠 생리학 : 최대운동시 활성산소에 의한 잠재적 악영향 및 항산화제 투여 효과 = Potentially Harmful Effects and Effect of Antioxidant by Oxygen Free Radical during Maximal Exercise
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과도한 운동은 산화적 스트레스(oxidative stress) 증가를 야기하여 인체의 잠재적 악영향을 초래할 수 있지만, 항산화제(SOD) 투여는 이를 방어할 수 있다는 가설하에 중강도와 최대운동의 단기적 처치시 운동과 운동후 회복기에 따른 과산화 지질(MDA)과 에너지 대사물질, 면역반응물질, 그리고 호르몬 반응의 변화를 비교 분석한 후, 최대운동시 항산화제 투여전, 후의 비교를 통해 방어효과를 규명 하였다. 실험결과, 중강도 운동에 비해 최대운동에 따른 MDA, 혈당, 젖산, Ig M, IL-2, cortisol, norepinephrine의 급격한 변화반응을 보였으며, MDA와 젖산 변화에서 항산화제 투여 효과에 의해 가설이 입증되었다. 특히 최대운동과 항산화제 투여에 의한 MDA 변화를 분석해 볼 때, 일시적 운동일지라도 과도한 운동은 활성산소에 의해 oxidative stress 증가를 야기하여 체내세포의 손상을 초래하지만, 이는 항산화제에 의해 방어될 수 있다는 가능성이 제시되었다.
더보기The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of MDA(malondialdehyde), blood glucose, lactate, Ig M, IL-2, cortisol, norepinephrine on maximal exercise(run for all-out time on treadmill) and Moderate intensive exercise(run for 40 min on treadmill at 70% HRmax), and effect of Antioxidant on maximal exercise.The HR was analyzed recorded at 10 sec intervals by PE-3000. Blood samples were taken from antecubital vein in pre-exercise, post-exercise, post-30, 60min exercise. Antioxidant was given at 1000 IU · d-1 for 8 weeks in aerobic exercise. All subjects were 8 males physical education students on HY Univ, and all data was analyzed by MANOVA of SPSS. The results were summarized as follows:1. The changes of MDA in recovery time after exercise were significant increased in maximal exercise than in moderate intercity exercise(p<.05).2. The changes of blood glucose and lactate in recovery time after exercise were significant decrease in moderate intensity exercise than in maximal exercise (p<.05).3. The changes of Ig M in immediately after exercise were significant increased in maximal exercise than in moderate intensity exercise. But the changes of IL-2 were no difference.4. The changes of cortisol and IL-2 in immediately after exercise were significant increased in maximal exercise than in moderate intensity exercise.5. The changes of MDA and lactate in recovery time after maximal exercise were significant decrease in post-treatment than pre-treatment antioxidant6. The changes of glucose, Ig M, IL-2, cortisol, and NE in recovery time after maximal exercise were no difference between post-treatment and pre-treatment antioxidantIn conclusion, oxidative stress by oxygen free radical in high intensity exercise were in excess increased of MDA, and blood glucose, lactate, Ig M. Ⅱ-2, cortisol, NE. Finality, high intensity exercise-induce potentially harmful effects of exercise. But the effect of supplementation of antioxidant was beneficial to defence cell damage, lipid peroxidation(MDA) or fatigue(lactate) called by high intensive exercise. This results suggested that antioxidant play an important role in defending the cell against free radical-mediated oxidative damage by exercise.
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