肝吸蟲의 感染經路에 關한 實驗的 硏究 : Ⅰ. Studies on the Metacercaria of Some Trematodes Parasitic in Fresh Water Fishes and Experimental Infection of the Cercaria of Clonorchis sinensis to Fresh Water Fishes 制一篇 淡水魚에 奇生하는 各種吸蟲의 被囊幼蟲 調査 및 肝吸蟲 幼蟲의 魚體 感染實態 = Studies on the Experiment of Mode of Infection of Clonorchis sinensis
1962年부터 1964年까지 肝吸 流行地의 淡水魚調査와 實驗室에서 孵化시킨 淡水魚에 對한 肝吸 幼蟲의 感染實驗과 動物實驗의 結果 다음과 같은 成績을 얻었다.
1. 肝吸 流行地域인 金海, 蔚山, 浦項, 群山等地에서 745마리의 붕어를 調査한 結果 肝吸蟲 被囊幼蟲은 檢出되지 않았다.
2. 붕어에서 檢出되는 被囊幼蟲은 Metagonimus sp., Exorchis oviformis, Cyathocotyle orientalis, Metacercaria hasegawai, Pseudexorchis major, Metorchis orientalis, Echintals, Exchimochasmus japonicus, Echinochasmus perfoliantus, Centrocestus armatus, 及 同定하지 못한 1種을 合하여 10種이다.
3. 쇠우렁을 採集할 수 없었던 山間地域의 淡水魚에서는 肝吸蟲 被囊幼蟲을 檢出할 수 없었다.
4. 잉어와 붕어를 부화시켜 1962年 6月부터 1963年 12月까지 쇠우렁과 같이 飼育시켰으나 肝吸蟲 被囊幼蟲의 感染은 볼 수 없었다.
5. 붕어, 금붕어, 참붕어를 孵化시켜 1963年 6月부터 1964年 1月까지 쇠우렁과 같이 飼育시켰더니 붕어와 금붕어에는 全然 肝吸蟲 被囊幼蟲이 感染되지 않았으나 참붕어에는 100% 感染되었으며 各 個體에서 平均 200∼300個의 被囊幼蟲을 檢出할 수 있었다.
6. 金海, 大渚面에서 採集한 붕어 520마리를 4마리의 토끼에다 먹인 後 29日만에 剖檢했으나 全例에서 肝吸蟲을 檢出할 수 없었다.
7. 쇠우렁과 같이 7個月間 飼育한 120마리의 붕어를 2 마리의 토끼에다 먹인 後 29日만에 剖檢했으나 全例에서 肝吸蟲을 檢出할 수 없었다.
8, 쇠우렁과 같이 飼育한 12마리의 참붕어를 2마리의 토끼와 2마리의 guinea pig에 먹인 後 死亡한 것을 解剖하여 4마리의 動物의 肝에서 1416마리의 肝吸蟲을 檢出할 수 있었다.
9. 肝吸蟲 Cercaria는 선택적으로 淡水魚에 寄生하는 것 같다.
10. 붕어는 肝吸蟲의 重要한 感染源이 될 수 없는 것을 알 수 있었다.
拙筆에 際하여 本硏究를 始終 指導 鞭撻하여 주시고 論文을 校閱하여 주신 鄭泰永 敎授, 徐丙喬 敎授, 姜悌源 敎授, 朴東和 敎授에게 深甚한 感謝를 올리며 이 일에 協助해 준 孫徹鉉君에게 甚意를 表하는 바이다.
A survey was conducted during the years of 1962 to 1964 in attempt of getting information about Clonorchis sinensis of fresh-water fishes in the endemic areas and after a series of experiments the following results were obtained:
1. Through the examination of 745 Carassius auratus collected from Kimhae, Ulsan, Pohang and Gunsan, where Clonorchis sinensis distributed abundantly, the detection of metacercaria of Clonorchis sinensis was negative.
2. The metacercariae obtained from the above experiments were such species as
Metagonimus sp., Exorchis oviformis, Pseudexorchis major, Metacercaria hasegawai, Metorchis orientalis, Cyathocotyle orientalis, Echinochasmus perfoliatus, Echinochasmus japonicus, Centrocestus armatus, and one unidentified, thus revealing 10 species.
3. From the fresh-water fishes in the mountainous areas, where the collection of snail, Parafossarulus manchouricus, was impossible, no metacercaria of Clonorchis sinensis was detected.
4. No infection of metacercaria of Clonorchis sinensis was found with Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus, though they were hatched in the laboratory and fed during the years of 1962 to Dec. 1963 together with snail, Parafossarulus manchouricus.
5. The feeding of Carassius auratus, gold fish, and Pseudorasbora parva, hatched in the laboratory, with Parafossarulus manchouricus during June 1963 to January 1964 resulted no infection of the metacercaria of Carassius auratus and gold fish while 100% infection was observed on Pseudorasbora parva, and average 200-300 individuals of metacercaria were detected from each Pseudorasbora paeva individual.
6. Four rabbits were eaten 520 Carassius auratus, collected in the area of Dae-Jur Myun, Kimhae, and after 29 days, no appearance of Clonorchis sinensis in the rabbits was observed.
7. Two rabbits were eaten 120 Carassius auratus that were cultivated with snail, Parafossarulus manchouricus, for 7 months but no appearance of Clonorchis sinensis in the rabbits after 29 days was observed.
8. Two rabbits and two guinea pigs were eaten 12 individuals of Pseudorasbora parua which were cultivated with Parafossarulus manchouricus in the laboratory and after they have died 1416 Clonorchis sinensis were found in the livers of the four animals.
Thus, cercaria of Clonorchis sinensis can be parasitized selectively in the fresh-water fishes, and the wild gold fish, Carassius auratus, does not seem to be an important transmitting pest of Clonorchis sinensis, to human being.
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