耕耘實驗을 爲한 人工土壤의 物理的 特性에 關한 硏究 = Study on the Physical Properties of Artificial Soil for Tillage Experiments
金基大 (忠南大學校 農科大學 農業機械學科) ; 許潤根 (忠南大學校 農科大學 農業機械學科) ; 金滿秀 (忠南大學校 農科大學 農業機械學科) ; 金聲來 (忠南大學校 農科大學 農業機械學科)
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science (Korean Journal of Agricultural Science)
For improvement and new design of tillage equipments, indoor test is very useful and more desirable than outdoor because the experiment of ourdoor is very difficult and its cost is expensive. This study was carried out to determine the physical properties of artificial soil suitable for the indoor test with the soil bin manufactured at the workshop of the Dept. of Agricultural Machinery Engineering.
The artificial soil being studied was made with very similarity to the natural soil of the experimental plots of Chungnam National University, and it consist of 39.35 percent, by weight of bentonite and 48.10 percent of sand with 12.55 percent of SAE 10W oil.
The results are summarized as follows:
1. Bulk density increased with increasing number of rolling, and its relationship could be expressed.
where, y=bulk density(g/㎤), x=number of rolling.
These results could be explained that the effect of rolling velocity on the bulk density was not singnificant in the range of 4.5∼10.4 cm/sec.
2. The absolute soil hardness depended directly upon number of rolling, and their relationship could be expressed by the equation.
where, y=absolute soil hardness(kg/㎤), x=number of rolling.
3. Relationship between the bulk density and absolute soil hardness could be expressed by the equation;
y=37.74(2.46 x-2.02)/(6.02-2.46x)^3.
where, y=absolute soil hardness, x=bulk density.
4. The cohesion and the angle of internal friction of artificial soil were increased with increasing its bulk density. According to the cohesion and angle of internal friction, at the range of 1.60∼1.75(g/㎤) of bulk density, this artificial soil was similar with sandy loam of 29.5% moisture content of natural soil.
5. Sliding-fricfion coefficient of steel plate on the artificial soil was 0.3∼0.4 and rubber plate on it is 0.64∼0.72. Those values were very similar with those of natural soil being studies by many others.
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