超高速情報通信網 事業의 政策成功에 관한 硏究 : 1995-2000년 期間의 政策變化를 中心으로 = Study on Policy Success of Korea Information Infrastructure Project : Emphasizing Policy Change for the period of 1995-2000
서울 : 高麗大學校 大學院, 2002
학위논문(박사)-- 고려대학교 대학원: 행정학과 2003. 2
326.41 판사항(4)
vi, 255p. : 삽도 ; 26cm.
참고문헌: p. 238-251
This dissertation is focused on policy success of Korea Information Infrastructure(KII) project, especially centered on policy change during 1995-2000.
Since the 1990s, the world has rapidly been changed as the old paradigm of the industrial society has given way to the new paradigm of the knowledge-based society. The IT infrastructure was regarded as the basic foundation of the knowledge-based society. Korea clearly recognized the need to build the IT infrastructures. Government organized Ministry of Information and Communication(MIC) in December 1994 and set up the comprehensive plan for Korea Information Infrastructure, aimed at building high speed and high capacity networks, in August 1995.
Korea is notably the most developed country in the world in terms of broadband technology, with over 10 millions broadband Internet subscribers, among which ADSL subscribers account for 57 percent, and the number of Internet users accounting to more than 60 percent of the total population. The original KII project was designed to offer broadband Internet connection to all household through opticalcable or ISDN by 2015. But the KII Project is sensitive to Internet demand and technology trend. So the deadline was amended to 2005 and solution was changed to access by ADSL and cable modems.
The compelling question in this dissertation is : How could KII project achieve such a high growth in so short a time?
This dissertation assumed that KII project performance is due to policy change flexible responding to policy environment such as user demand and technology trends. The phase of policy change was determined by policy leader's causal map and policy network which defined relation of actors. The policy change is divided with three types: 1) Type 1 is characterized as policy maintaining. Here, policy leader's causal map doesn't change and it is inherited existing policy. 2) Type 2 is referred to sudden policy change as causal map is changed responding to environmental pressures 3) Type 3 shows small adjustments in existing policy as causal map changes gradually.
This dissertation derived the following three results: First, composing causal map through interview with Ministers of Information and Communication-Kyong Sang Hyun, Kang Bong Kyeun, Bae Soon Hoon, Nam Goong Suek, and Ahn Byong Yeb-, top ranking policy makers in KII Project-Byun Jae Il(Director of Planning and Management Office), Suh Sam Young(President of National Computerization Agency). According to the interviews, policy leaders stressed on supply side during 1995-1997, but during the period of 1998-2000, both supply and demand side were simultaneously emphasized.
Second, there were differenced in policy networks between KII-Government project and KII-Public project. KII-Government project aimed to using government and public agencies, and for the connect of all 144 call zones government invested fully. And, network actors were President, MIC, KT, Dacom, and NCA. Their relationswere cooperative.
But KII-Public project is mainly used in home and business and is invested by private sector. During 1995-1997, President, MIC, and KT were joined in policy network and they were tied cooperative. Then, because of the government's deregulation on entry and pricing policy, Dial-up Internet service market was fully liberalized and many ISPs(Internet Service Provider) appeared including KT, Hanaro Telecom, Thrunet, Onse Telecom, and Dreamline in 1998-1999. As a result, many ISPs were connected through competitive ties in policy network. During 1999-2000, MIC boosted internet demand such as cyber education program and qualified apartment buildings through certification program. Many ISPs, apartment builders, IT industries came into policy network in 1999-2000.
Third, causal map gave influence on policy network change. In KII-Government project case, policy leader's causal map didn't change and existing policy was conserved. The project is analyzed to belong to type 1. And in KII-Public project, policy network changed as policy leader's causal map varied. the project is analyzed to belong to type 2.
Management of the KII Projects was so successful that the number of Internet users increased and the spread of broadband was driven quickly in Korea. This study concluded that combinations of 4 key factors: 1) flexible policy change, 2) government leadership and consistent causal map, 3) induction effective competition, 4) promotion of demand were the main reason of the KII project success in Korea.
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