목포항의 효율성과 생산성 분석을 통한 환 황해권 중추항만으로 도약 방안에 관한 연구 = A Study on Development of Mokpo Port as the Hub in Yellow Sea Regions through an Analysis of Efficiency & Productivity
목포 : 목포해양대학교 대학원, 2020
학위논문(박사)-- 목포해양대학교 대학원 : 해상운송시스템학과 2020. 8
; 26 cm
지도교수: 김명재
Mokpo port which is located in the Southwestern end of Korea was opened in 1897 and became the forth port coming after Busan port, Wonsan port and Incheon port. Because Mokpo port can connect several islands near Daedo Island, and be suitable for connecting China and Japan in location. However, the development of Mokpo port stalled due to continuous economic development policies since the 1960s.
Various studies on Mokpo Port have been conducted, but there are not many studies analyzing the efficiency of Mokpo port and comparing with other seaports in the country, thereby finding the development direction for the port. Therefore, in this study, the data analysis method, combined DEA model and Malmquist productivity analysis method, and FCM method are used in order to conduct the efficiency comparison between Mokpo Port and some other major domestic ports, classify ports based on efficiency, and similar to Mokpo Port.
As a specific research method, first, the data collected through the analysis of trends in the number of entry vessels, the total tonnage of entry vessels, the cargo volume, handling facilities, and handling capacity in the last 10 years(2009-2018) are applied in DEA model and Malmquist productivity to analyze the efficiency and productivity of Mokpo Port and some other major ports. Then, after clustering the ports using the FCM method, the ports which have the similar characteristics with Mokpo Port were classified. The next step was to analyze and compare Mokpo port and the similar ports in the same group by comparing efficiency and productivity.
First, the results of the DEA analysis showed that Gwangyang Port and Ulsan Port are regarded as efficiency during 10 years. Mokpo Port was analyzed that the scale efficiency is lower than other ports in spite of maintaining a high level of pure technological efficiency. Second, the Malmquist Productivity Change Index measurement results showed that the overall productivity index change rate was improved by 1.7% per year. the rate of technological change increased by an average of 4.4% per annum, and the rate of change in pure technical efficiency increased by 0.3%. However, the rate of change in technological efficiency decreased by 3.1% per year and the rate of change in scale efficiency decreased by 3.3%. Third, As a result of FCM clustering with the number of entry vessels, the total gross tonnage of entry vessels, cargo volume, handling facilities, and handling capacity as attributes, Mokpo Port has similar characteristics to Daesan, Pohang, and Donghae·Mukho Port, which are regional competitive ports. and then it is confirmed that Mokpo port needs to strategy to increase the cargo volume through comparing efficiency and productivity with each port. also, it is necessary to create a quantity of cargo using surrounding environment of Mokpo Port with strategy such as revitalization of industrial complexes around Mokop port.
therefore, Mokpo Port needs to focus on increasing the cargo volume. In order to increase that, as a detailed development plan, first, a strategy for creating hinterland of Mokpo Port and revitalizing strategies for surrounding industrial complexes are established, it will be a way for Mokpo port to be activated.
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