『주역(周易)』의 역사(易詞) 형성과 서법(筮法)의 상관관계
宗敎硏究(Studies in Religion(The Journal of the Korean Association for the History of Religions))
This paper inquiries into relations between the formation of the main text of the Zhouyi(周易) and divination methods. How the main text of the Zhouyi and statements of the hexagrams and lines were formed is a crucial question.
First. we conjecture that in the Spring and Autumn period the current names of the lines were not used and instead the form of “such and such a hexagram of such and such a hexagram” was likely used. Thus. we can conjecture the form of “such and such a hexagram of such and such a hexagram” appeared prior to the statements of lines in the Zhouyi. I conclude that the form of “such and such a hexagram of such and such a hexagram” was the basis of formation of the statements of the lines.
Second. while the names of lines in the Spring and Autumn period took the form of “such and such a hexagram of such and such a hexagram.” the current formula of names of lines—like the first. the second. the third. the fourth. The fifth and the Nine on the top—appeared in the Warring States period. The emergence of the current form of naming lines was a critical event in the history of Zhouyi studies because the emergence names of lines is novel ground for interpreting the Zhouyi. Wang Bi rejected the divination method in interpreting the Zhouyi and considered the place of lines and the yin/yang line as crucial to its interpretation.
Third. Zhu Xi’s understanding of the divination method appeared in the the shiyi 筮儀 of the Zhouyi benyi and in the mingshice 明蓍策 and the Gaobianzhan 考變占 of the Yixue qimeng. Zhu Xi’s divination method has been understood as the same as that of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. What then is Zhu Xi’s understanding of the relations between the divination method and the formation of statements? In my view. Zhu Xi sees no relations between them. For Zhu Xi. the statements of the hexagrams and lines were formulated in observation of the hexagrams without zhigua. In this regard. he agrees with Wang Bi.
Fourth. Dasan’s understanding of the divination method appears in the sigwejeon 蓍卦傳 of the Juyok sajeon. Rejecting Zhu Xi’s method. Dasan created an original method in which the most important idea is ilhyobyeon 一爻變. that only single line changes appeared. According to Dasan. the Duke of the Zhou created statements of the lines based on biangua using ilhyobyeon. For Dasan. the divination method is intertwined with the formation of statements in the Zhouyi.
Regarding the relations between the divination method and the formation of statements in the Zhouyi. I conclude as follows. Plausible relations existed between them. If we can conjecture the names of the lines in the Spring and Autumn period took the form. “such and such a hexagram of such and such a hexagram.” there should be a necessary relation between them. With the emergence of the current system of naming lines in the Warring States period. the impact of the divination method upon the interpretation of the statements declined. We can understand Wang Bi and Zhu Xi’s understanding of the Zhouyi in this context.
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