방글라데시의 친환경농업개발과 정부의 역할 = Role of Government in Environment-friendly Agricultural Development of Bangladesh
한국농공학회 학술대회초록집(Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference)
본 연구는 방글라데시의 친환경농업개발을 위한 정부의 역할을 규명하기 위하여 일반 농가와 유기농가로 구분하여 친환경농업개발에 대한 농민들의 의사를 조사ㆍ분석하고 친환경농업정책의 문제점을 도출하고 이를 바탕으로 정부의 역할을 제시하였다.
더보기Objectives of the study were to review and assess the role of government in environment friendly agriculture (EFA), to find out farmers' attitude toward EFA and to know the effect of EFA on rural livelihood in Bangladesh. Data were collected from randomly selected 100 conventional and 100 default organic farmers of two sub-districts of Tangail district of Bangladesh. Government of Bangladesh is struggling to ensure food security of over populous country with degrading soil and environment. Government has taken extensive programs on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Integrated Crop Management (ICM), soil fertility improvement, and controlling crops' pests using pheromone trap and natural enemies etc. to ensure sustainable agricultural development. According to farmers' opinion, government plays positive role in EFA but policies and programs are not sufficient.
The study revealed that only small portion of conventional farmers practiced environment friendly agricultural practices, and lack of technical knowledge and inputs availability were their main barriers of practicing EFA practices. Among the conventional farmers, 39% respondents were agreed to practice organic agriculture but main obstacles were lack of marketing facilities and risks of production failure. Only small portion of conventional farmers (17%) received training on IPM from Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE). Farmers suggested for government's initiatives to take extensive programs on farmers training, IPM, organic manure, pheromone traps and natural enemies, and to formulate clear policies on EFA. Government has no initiatives in organic agriculture and this sector is progressing steadily with the supports from NGOs. Comparatively young, literate and small farmers were likely to practice organic agriculture. Average organic farm size, farming age and increased farming income were 0.246 hectare, 7.63 years and 11.4% respectively whereas small farmers received higher profit. Lack of consumer's trust, marketing facilities and producers' cooperative organizations were the main risks of organic farmers, and they felt necessity of government's certification body to maintain equal standard of organic products. Organic farmers expected more government's initiatives to enhance marketing, extension services, exporting and incentives facilities.
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