G12 교회 비교를 통한 건강한 G12 사역 전략 : MCI교회, 알마티 은혜교회, 풍성한교회를 중심으로 = A Study of Healthy G12 Strategy by Comparison of G12 Churches
서울 : 총신대학교 선교대학원, 2008
학위논문(석사)-- 총신대학교 선교대학원 : 선교학과 2008. 2
192 p. ; 26 cm
지도교수: 정병관
The only vision God has showed in Bible is to restore all nations. Jesus Christ came on earth to accomplish this purpose and made this vision His own vision through working with 12 disciples. Jesus used ‘The Government of 12’ strategy for His ministry of reigning over the earh.Jesus delegated this vision and strategy to 12 apostles which has the vision of churches of 2,000-year-history.
Chapter 1 describes the purpose and importance of this research and gives clear explanations of the methods and terms used for this research. Especially, chapter 1 looks into "G12 models” which are showing explosive growth in the world, and helps prepare new wineskin for new wine.
Not only in Korea, but in worldwide nations, concerns about cell churches are increasing. However, many people consider the system of cell churches and that of G12 churches are different. Chapter 2 shows that cell church models are not different from G12 church models and after all G12 model is one possible strategy for cell church models. This chapter also deals with the reasons why existing cell churches are changing into G12 system.
Chapter 3 examines the similarities lying between the new apostolic movement and G12 model. Through this examination, it came clear that lots of G12 model flows with new apostolic movement.
Chapter 4 describes the strengths of G12 model. For this to be possibly described, this chapter shows 12 people's mentoring other 12 people, which is called ‘G12 coaching system’, and choosing 12 disciples, and finally introduces ‘The Ladder of Success’ course for general understanding in G12 model.
Chapter 5 gives looks on churches using G12 model and their characteristics. They are ‘MCI’ church in Bogota, Columbia, ‘Almati Grace church’ in Kazakhstan which can be a good example for churches focusing on missionary work, and ‘Pungsunghan church’ in Busan where Korean circumstances are well modified.
Chapter 6 has a close look on the churches discussed in chapter 5 and finds a way for desirable G12 model. It shows the critical points in building healthy G12 model and suggests what should be sublated in building G12 model.
To conclude, this question is to be answered. Why are we for G12? It is because G12 is the strategy to accomplish the vision of Jesus Christ. It is because G12 is not only for growing up of each church, but also for growing up of the churches worldwide which was and has been the vision and purpose of Jesus Christ. Through team ministry, this strategy transmits the vision and nature of Christ and the impartation of Holy Spirit to this generation. For this to happen, it needs ‘the strategy for making disciples’, because transmission takes place in small groups.
The world evangelization of Jesus Christ was through 12 disciples. G12 ministry is not for routine progress. It is through relationships. Jesus Christ had the purpose to dispatch 12 disciples to the world. That is also the vision and the purpose of G12.
We are blessed generation, because God is showing the ultimate vision and an effective strategy for evangelizing the world. G12 model is the model and vision based on Bible which can be adapted easily. Local churches will be His powerful tool for world evangelization which was the vision of Jesus Christ when churches use G12 model in their ministry.
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