人口動態統計 改善方案에 關한 實驗的 硏究 = An Experimental Study on a Method to Improve Vital Statistics among Maternity Cases
孫仁培 (延世大學校 醫科大學 豫防醫學敎室)
The action-cum-research project was conducted for a period of one year beginning from May, 1966 to April, 1967 over the area covering Kimchun City and a part of surrounding Kumnung Gun, Kyongsangpuk-Do Province.
The primary aim of this project was to demonstrate and assess the possibility of improving simultaneously vital statistics and family planning in urban and rural Korea. As the method of study, a simple delivery kit was distributed to the expectant mothers in the experimental area, and its effects on the reporting of vital events(births and deaths) and the acceptance of family planning were compared with,the same in the control area without such an action program.
From this study, we can state that the system of distributing simple hygienic delivery kits to all expectant mothers in the area is an effective method of obtaining accurate statistics of births. It is also effectit%e in the reduction of infant mortality, which, in turn, promotes acceptance of family planning in rural Korea. The results of the activities in the field are briefly summarized as follows:
1. In rural Korea, judging from the places of their last delivery and the materials and tools they used for delivery aid, most of the mothers (more than 95%) delivered under extremely unhygienic condition, though a better situation existed in urban areas where about 30% of the deliveries were attended by a physician or midwife.
2. In asking their opinion and attitude toward the use of the delivery kit, more expectant mothers in urban areas(74%) wanted to use the kits than those of rural areas did(68%). However, in the actual use, 86% of the known deliveries in rural area actually utilized the kit while only 40% in the city used it.
3. By using the delivery kit distribution system, 90% of the total births estimated in the village were detected and reported to the project, while only 60% of the births were reported by the assigning reporter without the- kit. However, in the city, the kit holders reported births about at the same level as the reporters without the kit did.
Therefore, collecting the data of vital statistics by utilizing the delivery kit distribution system is especially effective in rural areas but not so much effective in urban areas.
4. In death reporting there is no evidence that the delivery kit distribution system had any noticeable effect on raising the reporting rate. However, this study indicates that any assigned reporter with or without the kit, turned in more than 65% of the deaths occurred in village if they are given some incentives to do so.
5. By assigning a vital events reporter, with or without the delivery kits, there has been much improvement in the time of, reporting by preventing delay. Out of the total vital events reported in this study, 92% of births and 85% of deaths were reported within two months after the events, while only 41% of the birth events were registered in the civil registration office within the period of one year.
6. There is an evidence that infant mortality among kit users was lower than among non-users. Also, family planning acceptance rate in the experimental area was two times higher than in the control area.
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