자연과학편 : 방향(方向)과 이동(移動) 거리(距離) 요인(要因)이 선택전신반응(選擇全身反應) 시간(時間)에 미치는 영향(影響) ( 중(中) · 고등학교(高等學校) 축구선수(蹴球選手)를 중심(中心)으로 ) = A Study on the relationship between the directions and distances in the Choice whole Body Reaction Time
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The whole body reaction time in response to the light stimuli demanding different direction of movement has been studied by various authors, a study on the effects of more complex stimuli demanding the combinations of directions and distances of movement in soccer players has not yet been made.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the Choice Whole Body Reaction Time (CWBRT) on soccer players in junior and senior high school.
The present investigation was designed to examine CWBRT of movement elicited by the choice stimuli demanding different distances and directions and directions condition.
Whole Body Reaction Time Measurement Apparatus(T.K.K. 1264-I) made by Takei Equipment Company was utilized to measure CWBRT of 32 junior and 32 senior school soccer players.
The experimental conditions demanded by the stimuli were the combinations of four directions(forward, back, left and right) and three distances(20,40, and 60cm) condition. The subjects performed 60 trials(five trials under each experimental conditions).
The term of CWBRT used in this study is the interval time elapsed from presentation of light stimuli to the initiation of a response. The data were analysed by analysis of variance, t-test and Pearson`s method.
The results obtained were as follows.
1. The CWBRT was increased by increasing the length of the jumping distances. Therefore, considerations should be made in setting up for measuring the reaction time.
2. According to analysis of variance, the direction factor was influenced on CWBRT at the 1% level of significance in junior high school athletes group; and the direction, distance factor was influenced on CWBRT at the 1% level of significance in senior high school athletes group.
3. On front, back and right direction of the 20cm distance condition and right direction of the 40cm distance condition the CWBRT of the senior high school sthletes group was faster than that of junior high school athletes group.
4. In both groups, the coefficients of correlation between the CWBRT for the different distances were middle or higher when the matched distances were closer.
5. The correlation of CWBRT in the moving distance was proved to have been low only between 20cm and 60cm distance condition in senior high school athletes group.
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