비문법적인 문장 분석을 통한 올바른 문장 지도 방안에 대한 연구 = A Study on Desired Teaching Method of Sentence Use through Analysis of Ungrammatical Sentences
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Current elementary school Korean language curriculum includes a set of rules for Korean language usage, that is, Korean language knowledge-related contents, divided by grade in conformity to the educational goal, which is to help students use the Korean language in a correct and effective manner. The problem with the Korean language education today is that students are still using ungrammatical sentences, even though the Korean language education has been carried out in accordance with such Korean language knowledgerelated contents classified by grade.<BR> Beginning with such a problem lingering in the field of the Korean language education, this paper reaffirms the educational value that the area of the Korean language knowledge has under current elementary Korean language curriculum in chapter Ⅱ and investigates present situations of ungrammatical sentence use on the basis of collected data of sentences composed by elementary school students and then categorizes ungrammatical sentences in chapter Ⅲ. Chapter Ⅳ presents a desired teaching method of sentence use based on ungrammatical sentences used by students, given that there is no independent textbook or lesson relative to the Korean language knowledge under the current curriculum, significantly less time is given to the Korean language knowledge, and learning contents of the Korean language are composed of basic and further study topics.<BR> Basic flow of the desired teaching method developed in this paper has its foundation on exploratory learning activities. This teaching method is designed to put in practice in the order of finding errors in given ungrammatical sentences ▶ guessing what makes those sentences ungrammatical ▶ figuring out a way to correct those errors and revising the sentences ▶ presenting desired writing skills after comparing given ungrammatical sentences and correctly revised sentences ▶ and finally applying resulting new methods to different situations.<BR> The implication of this paper lies in that it has examined ungrammatical sentences produced by higher graders of elementary school and categorized errors generated as a result. Moreover, unlike existing teaching methods, this study is important in the sense that it is based on error patterns found in the sentences used by students and that sets a stage for an education of sentence use for a native speaker, providing an opportunity to learn how to use correct sentences on the basis of the sentences that students themselves made in order to stimulate students’ interest.<BR> However, more detailed and in-depth studies on the efficiency of desired teaching method of sentence use based on ungrammatical sentences used by students and a phased-in teaching method of Korean sentences on which an exploratory learning model are reflected should be further conducted, together with a test on the effect of the teaching method suggested in this study.
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