마을공동체 진단지표 개발에 관한 연구
임실 : 예원예술대학교 문화ㆍ영상창업대학원, 2015
학위논문(석사) -- 예원예술대학교 문화ㆍ영상창업대학원 , 문화영상창업 , 2015. 8
96 ; 26 cm
지도교수: 조인석
This study started from a belief that systematic and phased tool is necessary based on accurate diagnosis for community while promoting the Jeongeup Citizen Idea Contest. The judging standard is being widely used in government ministry or various agencies but it was insufficient to comprehend the current situation of community.
The overall resources of community can be investigated through resource investigation of a community, but this requires a massive budget and workforce. Simplified, statistical, and standardized investigation would be helpful in promoting village-related businesses or community revitalization projects.
According to numerous precedent studies and references, alternatives are being suggested by developing index in city, county, and district unit and comparing on a national level. However, the change amount measurement and alternatives for before, during, and after the village-related project after the development of village community unit index are not being suggested.
Therefore, this study researched the ‘village-community diagnosis index’ by referring to many precedent studies on community based on the experience of Jeongeup Citizen Idea Contest.
Changes in the government policy played a role in the background of this study. It is because the implementation method of government policy related to the village community changed to the bottom-up public contest method from top-down allocation method. The reason was because it is necessary to cultivate ability of continuing the project successfully and continuously without hesitation through small-scale demonstration projects.
First, the final objective of this study was to understand resources of village community through diagnosis index of village community, secondly, to investigate which community revitalization project that village community needs, and thirdly, to connect the project with administrative support policies(government policy) to continuously maintain and commercialize village communities. However, the second and third objectives were not pursued because of time and physical difficulties, and this master’s thesis paid focus on the ‘development of village community diagnosis index’ to understand the first objective.
The diagnosis index is composed of major group, medium group, minor group, and detail questions, and the major group is classified into 4 categories as population distribution, community competence, life environment, and base of income.
The major group is classified into 14 medium groups, and the contents of medium classification are as follows. Population distribution diagnoses 2 categories as population distribution of 5 sections without small group classification and the degree of community vitality according to the composition of multi-culture and population, the community competence is classified into 6 categories as community leader, community activity, degree of external connective cooperation, information infrastructure, will to promote village-related project, and participation of education for residents, the life environment is classified into 4 categories as settlement environment, conditions of location, executive ability of village-related project, and contents on village community resources, and the income base is classified into 2 categories as economic activity of understanding the degree of economic activity of village community residents and property of villages.
The medium group is classified into 28 small groups. The small group consists of work experience of leader, competence of leader, organization management method of leader, community spirit, stability of community, community activity, urban-rural exchange, government support program, information ability, will for village-related project, competence of residents, housing situation, social service, infrastructure of streets and water and sewage, accessibility of various facilities, transportation convenience, executive ability of village-related project, natural resources, events and festivals, historic and cultural resources, economic activity of residents, village-based company, human resources, production-based facility, availability of experience and lodging, and common property of villages. The small group is composed of 80 detail question items according to each classification. Detail contents can be found in the addendum.
This study is expected to provide effective and efficient help in promoting village-related projects through prior investigation on communities.
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