젊은이를 위한 `하나님 나라'의 이해와 실천교육에 관한 연구 = A Study of the Understanding of the Thought of the Kingdom of God and the Christian Education of Its Practice for the Young
全炳植 (培花女子大學 敎養科)
"The Kingdom of God" is the core message of Jesus Christ. As a practical alternative proposal, the Kingdom of God can be an important motif to transform the world and human beings. However, Korean people tend to misunderstand the Kingdom of God because of their traditional view of the future life and their deteriorated eschatological belief. When the Kingdom of God and eschatology are misunderstood, this exerts a great evil influence upon both the church community and society. In this sense, it is a task of great significance to teach young people, college students, a practical principle of the Kingdom in the Christian College.
The Kingdom of God must be introduced and explained on the basis of biblical thought in which the Kingdom means not a geographical territory but "a place ruled by God." In the Old Testament, the Kingdom is reduced to "the day of Yahwe" due to its eschatological character. This eschatological character of the Kingdom requests human beings to live their life not in the sense of chronos but kairos, that is, not a quantitative but a qualitative life, which refers to "a festive life." In the New Testament, especially the Gospels, the Kingdom, the kernel of Jesus Christ's teachings and works, is expressed in so many different ways and symbols, but the human attitude toward the Kingdom is most important. That is to say, the Gospels ask human beings to hope and believe the coming of the Kingdom, and to endeavor to realize the Kingdom in their daily lives.
Modern theological discussions of the Kingdom seem to be focused on how to realize the future Kingdom in the present and how to expect and prepare for it now in an eschatological hope. The realization of the Kingdom includes the transformation of individuals and community because the concept of the Kingdom proclaimed by Jesus Christ is a powerful motif to change an old order into a new one.
In this thesis, we try to explore the notion of the Christian education about the realization of the Kingdom from Thomas Groom's conception, "Shared Christian Praxis." In this conception, the important motive or instrument for teaching the Kingdom is represented by the structure of "dialogue-sympathy-practice." A human being can change him/herself by way of "self-dialogue," sympathize with others by means of communal dialogue, and thus be led to practice the sympathy. This is the Christian education for the realization of the Kingdom, that is, for changing a mere knowledge of the Kingdom into a practical way of life.
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고객센터 1599-3122
ARS번호+1번(회원가입 및 정보수정)