韓日 兩國의 敎育人事行政制度에 관한 比較硏究 : 人事行政의 法令과 機構의 比較 Comparative of Laws and Regulations and Structure of the Teaching Staff Personnel Administration = A Comparative Study on the Systems of Teaching Staff Personnel Administration between Korea and Japan
李昌杰 (晉州敎育大學 敎授, 敎育學專攻)
1. Whether the educational activities will bring success or not largely depends on the educational personnel administration. It is generally recognized that comparative study is necessary for the establishment of scientific educational personnel administration.
In this point of view the present thesis was attempted as follows: by studying the system of Korean leaching staff personnel administration comparatively with those of Japan which are similar to Korea in socio-culture conditions.
① to find out the difference and mutual relations of the tow countries' systems, ② to get suggestions for the improvement of the systems of Korea by detecting the weakness and strength of the systems of Korean teaching staff personnel administration.
③ to investigate wharf ideal systems are.
④ and to contribute to building the rational alls scientific systems of Korean teaching staff personnel administration.
2. In grasping the contens or realms of the personnel administration from the view point of the objectives and functions of personnel administration, it contains selection, developing faculty and morale. In tradition to these, problems of foundation of personnel administration and of discipline are involved in its contents.
But only comparison of laws and regulations and structure of the teaching staff personnel
administration were dealt with in the thesis which are the contents of the foundation of personnel administration. Comparison of supplement and selection which are included in adoption and comparison of the systems for professional improvement which are included in developing faculty will be dealt with in the sequel of the present thesis.
3. Rewards and pension which are the economic and material aspects of morale and human relation which are the socio-psychological aspect of morale were not dealt with on account of the shortage of materials available. And the contents of discipline were entirely neglected.
4. Comparative Study comprises the traditional methods and the new methods which arose post-the second world war such as ecological, empirical and nomothetic approaches.
But the present thesis attempted the comparative study on the legal systems in relation to laws and regulations of the teaching staff personnel administration of Korea and Japan and tried to search out what the ideal patterns of administrative organizations and administrative behavior are by applying the normative approach for the improvement of the systems. Such approaches generally have defects of not revealing the informal organization, informal human relations of the staff and effective operation of the organization.
5. It should he confirmed that for realization of the suggested model, the social notion, effective behavior of public officials and cultural conditions appropriate to it are prerequisite. Therefore in reforming the systems of teaching staff personnel administration of Korea, uncritical introduction of foreign systems into our country should be rejected and the effective behavior of our society should be firmly reconsidered.
6. For Comparative Study in a true sense, the criteria of comparison and full recognition of the object to be compared are requested.
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