지방자치단체 사회복지 예산편성에 나타난 문제점과 개선방안 = Problem and Improvement of a Budget draw up Social Welfare Local Government
대전 : 대전대학교 대학원, 2008
학위논문(석사)-- 대전대학교 대학원: 사회복지학과 사회복지학전공 2008. 2
iv, 71 p. ; 26cm
지도교수 :신창식
While decentralization policy and area balanced development policy that participation government propels solidify local government's autonomy that transfer central authority to local government that is involved each other mutually, it is that plan balanced development between area by scattering intent social·economical resources to local in central government. However, insistence that in case of autonomy and autonomy about local government's cloth administration and finance are emphasized in social welfare administration field, local government's social welfare supply capacity is dwindled preferably or difference in cloth service supply may happen between area had been brought.
Participation government is propelling local finance expansion with tax system reorganization to main policy subject by way to apply decentralization policy to social welfare. But, brought social welfare budget extension of local budget through decentralization policy but is expected there is difficulty that local government by ailment of budget assignment is much systematic plan of operation establishment and social welfare finance security, and is together local government's cloth awareness and business chivalry, finance independence cloth distinction by area by complex constituent of and so on magnify can.
Profit business should be magnified within extent that do not injure public department firstly by improvement way in reply, and escape and improve inhabitants' quality of life and need social welfare budget bias that consider a social weak person who can secure lowest living in policy of caterer center of equipment operation putting first secondly. Need social welfare spot desire investigation for right compilation of a budget by third. Fourth, need activation of social welfare budget system that local resident participates.
Regionalization between central government and local government is imperative political current. Local government is extension of profit business for financial resources preparation of suitable scale regarding regionalization of social welfare so that growth level of social welfare service may be kept, must need process of ripened cloth desire investigation - cloth plan - cloth compilation of a budget - execution - estimation of local government, and secure active participation of civic society in each step. In the meantime, central government must grope way of that present various policy guide line until whole local government through design of distribution method, responsibility sphere between the central government - wide area autonomy - drafter numerical value organization and re-set of way which capacitate area imbalance tidal waves of social welfare reaches in schedule cloth level. Specially, need role re-thesis of government and local government in case of Daejeon Metro city that drafter numerical value organization's finance independence degree are low.
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