중국 연변 광고사진 교육에 관한 연구 = (A) research on advertisement photography education in YanBian China
경산 : 경일대학교 대학원, 2004
학위논문(석사)-- 경일대학교 대학원: 사진영상학부 2004. 8
662 판사항(4)
82p. : 삽도(일부 색채삽도) ; 26cm.
참고문헌: p. 73-74
China goes into a period of sustained and rapid economic growth from the 80's. This brings a great opportunity to the development of advertising photography in China.
The advertisement market in China and photography education has made much progress since 90's. This thesis draws a comparison between the photography-education in China
with that in Korea. Also, it studies and predicts the direction of the advertising photography's development in YanBian. Korea has own photography education system since 40 years before and becomes high level and on the cutting edge in the world. Yanbian's location and society status do good for borrowing the experience of Korean advertising photography to find a solution for the education of advertising photography in Yanbian.
This article has three parts:
1st part: Talk about chinese advertisement photography's development and analyze the situation about the education of chinese advertisement photography education according to the investigation in high schools. At the end of this part, we introduce the advertisement photography environment of YanBian Area.
Advertisement photography has been in China for a long time, but ten years tempest makes chinese advertisement photography return to grow until 90's. This brings many opportunities and big challenge to chinese advertisement photography education. YanBian area's advertisement photography education needs to adjust it's education system immediately.
2nd part: Summarize YanBian area's econom ic situation, advertisement photography education and reasons which cause current photography education circumstance come into being.
YanBian is located in Northeast of China, and is near South Korea and North Korea. YanBian's economy is mainly made up of resources type industry. Since YanBian area's economy is not very good, it hasn't good environment to develop the advertisement photography, We need to update our education's idea, confirm our education's direction and find a suitable system for developing the advertisement photography education to make YanBian area's advertisement photography grow.
3rd part: This is the most important part of the whole article. Discuss the reform of YanBian area's advertisement photography education and predict YanBian area's advertisement photography education development. At last, we analyze South Korea's successful education system and compare it with local education system to find a suitable roadmap for YanBian area's advertisement photography education development.
China's economy has been booming after the opening reform. The reform has also brought many new opportunities for Commercial photography in China. Since the 90's, China's advertisement market and photography education have developed fast. The article is about the comparison between China's and South Korea's photography education. It also discusses predictions and research of commercial photography education development in Yanbian area.
South Korea has had its own photography education system for 40 years, and has become one of the best in the world after perfecting and developing the education system during this time. Making full use of the location advantage and the unique social situation of Yanbian, using South Korea's commercial photography educational system's success, we can develop a reform plan for YanBian.
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