趙素昻 民族解放運動의 歷史的 性格
화성: 水原大學校 敎育大學院, 2001
학위논문(碩士)-- 水原大學校 敎育大學院: 역사교육전공 2001
911.06 판사항(4)
35 p.; 26 cm.
참고문헌(p. 27-29), 연보, 영문초록 수록
The most principal problem in Korean modern history is to establish an independent, unified and national government. The right guidance ideology and more concentrative nation power were required to build up an independently national state in the national liberation movement divided into the power of nationalism and the power of socialism since socialism was accepted and in the emancipated state which the confrontation between the left and the right grew worse under the cold war state between the United States and the Soviet Union. In relation to this, So-ang Cho's thought, a national liberation movement and political activity have been very important meaning.
So-ang Cho was a theorist who set the guidance ideology of the national liberation movement. His principle of three-equality was the ideology that was brought up new movement direction, not the confrontation between the left and the right under the national liberation movement, and would realize the whole peoples equality in politics, economics and education.
Mr. Cho asserted that we should build a neo-democratic state on his three-equality doctrine. Namely, he insisted that we should execute a democratic republic system based on parliamentary democracy for the realization of the neo-democratic government in politics and should execute the nationalization of lands and production facilities and a compulsory education at the expense of the government in social economic system. Therefore he seemed to be a person who intended to build up a national, social democracy.
The principle of three-equality had a great influence over what the national liberation movement parties-Korean provisional government and Korean Independence party-aimed at. In short, it has a historical meaning in that it was major among the theories of the national government establishment which was made by the right during the national liberation movement under the Japanese rule and in that it has an alternative character for the establishment of the national government with avoiding the ideological confrontation between the left and the right.
Mr. Cho, who came to China as an exile in 1913, participated in establishing Korean provisional government and did various activities included a type of diplomacy as a state minister. He Played an important roll in Korean Independence party that was founded in 1930 and also took part in National Revolution party that was founded as a party that aimed at the reunification. Since 1940, he participated as an important member in Korean provisional government and Korean Independence party. He was paid attention in that he showed a positive attitude towards coalition with other powers of the national liberation movement.
So-ang Cho's national liberation movement based on the establishment of the national government on his principle of three-equality and on the route under coalition was continued to the political activity for the establishment of unified national government after the 1945 Liberation. Needless to say, I dont think that he had a positive attitude consistently for the establishment of unified national government. But his passionate participation in the South-North dialogue movement was his will of the establishment of unified state. Furthermore, his activity in social party and his assertions of peaceful unification under divided states had a meaning of establishing independent unification nation.
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