四鹽化炭素 急性中毒에 對한 Sulfadimethoxine의 防禦作用 : 血淸酵素値變動 및 肝의 病理組織學的變化 Alterations of Serum Enzymes and Histopathological Change of the Liver. = Protective Action of Sulfadimethoxine Against Acute Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning
李愚榮 (首都醫科大學大學院 臨床病理學專攻)
This is an experimental work to evaluate the effect of sulfadimethoxine on the acute hepatic injury induced by carbon tetrachloride(CCl₄). Seventy-seven adult male rabbits were used and divided into following experimental groups.
1. Group Ⅰ: Fourteen animals were administered with a single dose of CCCl₄. The values of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase(GPT), alkaline phosphatase(AP) and aldolase (ALD) were measured in 7 animals, and phosphohexose isornerase(PH1). amylase(&) and isocitric dehydrogenase(1CD) in 7 other animals at the intervals of 3,6,12 hours, 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 and 11 days after subcutaneous injection of 1 ml. of 30% CCl₄ solution in olive oil. Control blood samples were drawn from each animal 12 hours prior to CCl₄ injection.
2. Group Ⅱ: Fourteen animals were administered with a single dose of CCl₄ and multiple doses of sulfadimetboxine. One hundred rng. of sulfadimethoxine was given subcutaneously to each animal 4 hours prior to CCl₄ injection and 50 mg. at 4, 16, 38 and 62 hours after it. Serum enzymes mentioned above were studied in such a way as the group Ⅰ.
3. Group Ⅲ: Five animals were administered with multiple doses of sulfadimethoxine as the group Ⅱ. Serum GOT and GPT levels were measured at 7, 10, 16, 28, 52, 76, and 124 hours after the first injection of sulfadimethoxine.
4. Group Ⅳ: Forty-four animals were used for histopathological study.
In both 18 rabbits treated with CC14 only(group Ⅳ-1) and 18 rabbits with combination of CCl₄ and sulfadirnethoxine(group Ⅳ-2) two animals were respectively sacrified at the intervals of 3, 6, 12 hours, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 11 days after CCl₄ injection.
Six animals were administered with multiple doses of sulfadimethoxine and then two were respectively sacrified at the intervals of 16, 40 and 64 hours after the first injection(group Ⅳ-3).
Two nornal animals were also sacrified.
The experimental results are as followings.
1. Serum levels of enzymes in the group Ⅰ.
1) Elevation of GOT, GPT, ALD and ICD levels was first noted at the 3rd hour and that of AP. PHI at the 6th hour while AML was decreased at the 6th hour.
2) Peak of GOT, AP, ALD and PHI levels was seen at the 1st day and that of GPT and ICD at the 2nd day while AML level was lowest at the 1st day.
3) The highest levels of the enzymes during the observation were; GOT: 80, GPT: 40, ICD: 36, ALD: 14, AP: 3.5 and PHI: 3 times of the control, however AML was decreased to half of the control.
4) GOT, AP, ALD and AML levels returned to the control after 5 days, PHI and ICD aftei 8 days and GPT not on the 11 th day. duration.
5) In the order of GPT, ICD and GOT, GPT was elevated most rapidly and stayed at high level for longer 2. Serum levels of enzymes in the group Ⅱ.
1) Elevation of ALD, PHI was first recognized at the 3rd hour, ICD at the 6 th hour, and GOT, GPT and AP at the 12 th hour while no significant changes were seen in AML level.
2) Peak of GOT, AP, ALD and PHI was seen a t the 1st day and that of GPT and ICD at the 2nd day.
3) The highest levels observed during the course were; GOT: 57, ICD: 28, GPT: 27, ALD: 12, AP: 2.7 and PHI: 2 times of the control.
4) Increased levels of GOT, AP, ALD acd PHI returned to normal after 5 days, and GPT and E D after and PHI: 2 times of the control. 11 days.
3. in the goup Ⅲ no significant changes were seen in GOT and GPT levels.
4. In the group Ⅱ the enzyme study revealed slower elevation, lower peak than in the group Ⅰ. 5. Histological findings of the liver.
1) Nydropic degeneration of the hepatic lobules was heavier in the extent and degree, and necrotic process was more extensive and rapid in the Grodp Ⅳ-Ⅰ, while both morphological and biological repair process was more delayed in the Grovp Ⅳ-2.
2) Group Ⅳ-3 showed no significant histological changes.
In conclusion sulfadimethoxine exerts definitely protective action for the acute hepatic injury induced by CCl₄ poisoning. Comparative evaluation of serum enzyme alterations and histopathogical changes indicates that the former are clearly more sensitive in the acute hepatic damage than the latter.
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