衣服購買行動에 關한 實證的인 比較 : 서울과 地方의 女大生을 中心으로 Focused on College Women of Seoul and Province = Positive Comparison to Purchase Acting of Clothing
許甲暹 (衣類學專攻)
Modern social life is getting rational, convenient and active as the result of rapid economic growth. Peoples live in an age where their personality are satisfied. In this aspect,the clothing maker can improve a fundamental problem by produce clothing goods which satisfied with interest of consumers. If the clothing maker would be prosperus, first of all they should catch hold of their marketing situation, and then they should investigate their consumers` acting. Therefore all consumers` acting become the purpose of study. Clothing goods which product from manufacturer have to agree with comsumers` interest. Otherwise the manufacturer get consumers` resistance.
Considering this fact, purpose of this study grasps college women`s acting of purchasing for rational collection of clothing goods and upright garments life who are after self-regulation of school uniform. Analysis of cause which in accordance with residential zone was made, and it is to facilitate development of clothing to survey purpose comparing with Seoul and other province for consumers` purchasing acting which are college women on residential zone. Seoul, zone of survey purpose which live in college women of Seoul.
Statiatical data of Seoul were collected in October 1985. Other provinces were collected for college women who live in Iri, Chonju and Kunsan city of Cholla Buk-Do in November 1985. It was collected with questionnaires, and investigated 150 persons residing in Seoul and province. Also they consist of 150 persons grade (freshman-senior) each, and major (Textiles& Clothing) and other majors. In 300 persons, questionnaires were excluded the people who record incomplete, and statistitical data are unsuitableness. Finally,data were obtained 186 persons and the selected sample was used 93 papers of Seoul, 93 papers of province for statistical analysis. In 186 persons; freshman are 36, sophomore are 36, junior are 52, senior are 56 persons. Also textiles & clothing major are 128, other major are 58 persons.
Analysing data, it is to grasped for important degree where residential zone are differ from consumer. So analysing data to percentage, it was calculated standard error of proportion, standard error of differences and Z-score. Statistical analysis was divided into groups who live in Seoul and province, and compared with Seoul and province. Analysis of the data in this present study are income of consumer`s parents, fashion style, purchasing motivation, purchasing place, clothing size, economic problem when consumer buy clothes and serious view of order when consumers collect clothes etc. As a result, Seoul and province was compared as followings:
1. In income from 200,000 won to 400,000 ($ 180.00∼360.00) of consumer`s parents, there was a significant differences between Seoul and province at P<.001. That is to say, income (consumer`s parents) of province is more higher than that of Seoul. There was a significant differences between Seoul and province at P<.05 each income from 600,000 won to 800,000 won ($540.00∼720.00) and from 1,000,000 won to 1,500,000 won ($900.00∼1,350.00). That is to say, in this income level of Seoul is more higher than that of province.
2. There was no significant differences what kind of style consumer like.
3, In purchasing motivation, there was a significant differences of bargain sale between Seoul and province at P<.05. That is to say, college women who live in Seoul is more higher than that of province in purchasing of bargain sale. In contrast, there was no significant differences in a fashion, wares on display and advertisement etc.
4. In purchasing place, there was a significant differences between department store and market at P<.001. That is to say, purchasing in department store of the college women who live in province are more higher than that of the province. But keeping mind in this point, department store which stay in Seoul display high clothing goods while department store which stay in province display general clothing goods and clothing goods where can buy market in Seoul. In short, we must consider that clothing goods where buy market in Seoul can buy department store in province.
5. In economic problem, purchase acting of college women who live in Seoul and province, in alteration cause of economic problem when consumer buy clothes, there was a significant differences between clothes in economic problem and consumer what kind of clothes she like at P<.001. College women who live in seoul are apt to buying clothes that they like while college women who live in province are apt to buying clothes are more cheaper and active.
6. In style of clothes, there was no significant differences between low grade and high grade. Also there was no significant differences between major (Textiles & Clothing) and other major.
7. In the serious view of order when consumer collect clothes, both of Seoul and province, were design, color, size, texture, price, brand and sewing.
As a result, we achieved a great development in clothing industry. But in the history of ready-made clothes product is short, the point who clothing maker have to know purchase acting of consumer. The clothing maker must produce which consumer satisfied with their purchasing interest. This can contribute new product and also new direction to improve matters.Going one step forward, this will get elevated our economic development.
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