위절제술이 골대사 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향 - 예검법으로서 의미있는 지표 = The Influence of Gastrectomy on the Change of Bone Metabolism and Bone Density - Valuable Parameter as Screening Tset -위절제술이 골대사 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향 - 예검법으로서 의미있는 지표
권성준(Sung Joon Kwon) ; 신동일(Donng Ill Shin) ; 원치규(Chi Kyooh Won) ; 전규영(Kyu Young Jun) ; 곽진영(Jin Young Kwak) ; 이광수(Kwang Soo Lee) ; 정파종(Pa Jong Jung) ; 안유헌(Yoo Hern Ahn) ; 함준수(Joon Soo Hahm) ; 김목현(Mok Hyun Kim)
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Background/Aims: Abnormalities of bone metabolism occur to gastrectomised patients in the form of a late complication. Nowadays, many biochemical and radiologic measurements are applied to detect these abnormalities. The aim of this study was to determine the parameter for an appropriate screening test during the long-term follow-up period and define the usefulness of new biochemical markers for bone metabo]ism by comparing them with traditional markers. Methods: Among the patients gastrectomised(Billroth II) in the surgica] department of Hanyang University Hospital since 1982, 10 patients were randomly selected with exclusion criteria by measuring several biochemical and radiologic tests. Ten age-matched volunteers who led a healthy normal life were selected with the consent of subjects. Results: Comparing the data with those of a corresponding control group, the ]umbar bone density tneasured by quantitative cornputed tornography(QCT) was statistically significantly lower in the patient group(p0.01). In addition, urinary deoxypyridinoline (DPD), a biochemical marker for bone resorption, was statistica]ly higher in the patient group(p -0.025). Osteocalcin, P1CP, and 1CTP were slightly but not significant]y bigher in the patient group. The serum PTH and 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were sitnilar in both groups. Conclusiions: Although the nurnber of cases was smal] for data evaluation, we suggest that urinary deoxypyridinoline and QCT were appropriate parameters for tbe screening test for the detection of bone metabolism abnormalities in gastrectomised patients during the long-term follow-up. Furthermore, urinary deoxypyridinoline is a simple and rapid test which can replace cumbersome 24-hour urinary hydroxypro]ine. (Korean J Gastroenterol 1996; 28:172 178)
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