Effect of Korean Red Ginseng on Psychological Functions Patients with Severe Climacteric Syndromes : A Comprehensive Study from the Viewpoint of Traditional KAMPO-medicine and Western Medicine
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Objective; Antistress effect of Korean red ginseng (RG) on postmenopausal women with severe climacteric syndrome (CS) were evaluated from the viewpoint of traditional KAMPO-medicine and Western medicine. Methods; All patients with CS were treated with daily oral administration of 6g RG for 30 days. Nine patients with CS were evaluated with the use of diagnostic scores for KI-deficiency (deficiency of vital energy) and OKETSU (blood stagnation) syndrome from the viewpoint of KAMPO-medicine. In the same patients with CS, peripheral blood levels of ${\beta}$-endorphin and total plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (t-PAI-1) were measured before and after treatment with RG. In another group, 12 patients with CS, psychological test using CMI, STAI and SDS were performed from the viewpoint of Western medicine. Stress related hormones, such as ACTH, cortisol and DHEA-S in those 12 patients with CS were also measured before and after treatment with RG. Results; KI-deficiency score and OKETSU score in patients with CS were significantly (p<0.001) higher than those in patients without CS. After treatment with RG, both scores were markedly (p<0.001) decreased compared to before treatment with RG. ${\beta}$-endorphin levels in patients with CS were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in patients without CS. Total PAI-levels in patients with CS were increased before treatment with RG. No significant difference, however, were observed between patients with and without CS. After treatment with RG, both levels of ${\beta}$-endorphin and total PAI-1 in patients with CS were significantly (p<0.001 and p<0.05, respectively) decreased compared to before treatment with RG. CMI and STAI scores in patients with CS were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those in patients without CS. SDS scores in patients with CS were also markedly (p<0.00l) higher than in those without CS. After treatment with RG, all scores decreased within normal range. DHEA-S levels in patients with CS were about a half of those without CS. Consequently, cortisol/DHEA-S (C/D) ratio was significantly(p<0.001) higher in patients with CS than in those without CS. Although the decreased DHEA-S levels were not restored to the levels in patients without CS, the C/D ratio decreased significantly (p<0.05) after treatment with RG. Conclusion; Reinforcement of vital energy and improvement of stagnant blood circulations by oral administration of RG were elucidated from the viewpoint of traditional KAMPO-medicine. From the viewpoint of Western medicine, effect of RG on postmenopsusal women with CS seemed to be brought about in part by not only an improvement of psychoneuroendocrine dysfunctions but also an amelioration of blood coagulation systems.
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