태권도수련에 따른 지적장애인의 하지 등속성 근 기능 및 뇌기능지수 변화
In this study, through regular Taekwondo training 3 times a week for 12 weeks, it was trying to prove the change of lower limb isokinetic muscle function and brain function indexes of persons who have intellectual disability. Moreover, on the basis of theoretical and scientific evidences, after proving education programs, it was also trying to provide basic materials for suggesting effective learning methods.
Persons who had intellectual disability, lived in A city, and received education in B lifelong education institute for the disabled participated in this study. They were judged as persons who had 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree of intellectual disability in accordance with ministry of Health and Welfare. Moreover, they didn't have special medical diseases, had no experiences on physical activities, and were considered as persons who were fit for proving the effectiveness of this study. So, after getting the consent of parents and teachers in charge, it was trying to select them for this study. They were all 14 persons. It was trying to assort participation group consisted of 7 persons and control group consisted of 7 persons after simple wireless sampling. In the day before starting the Taekwondo training for 12 weeks, they visited rehabilitation training center in C University and had taken the rest for 10 minutes. And then, bioelectrical impedance method (Inbody 720; Biosace, korea), cybex (Humac Norm), Neuro harmony were used to them in order. After each measurement, they had taken the rest for 10 minutes. Moreover, in the day after finishing Taekwondo training for 12 weeks, at the same place and same time, they carried out measurements in the same way.
All materials measured by the experiment of this study were analyzed by SPSS Version 20.0k statistic program. As concrete analyzing methods for those materials, through the analysis of covariance, average comparison between 2 groups was carried out after considering the measured value of pre test as a covariance. The significant level was set by .05.
Before the analysis of covariance, repeated measures of general linear model were used for items that violated the equality of regression slope statistically.
Followings are results of this study after processing above.
Firstly, in the change of lower limb isokinetic muscle functions of persons who have intellectual disability in accordance with attending in Taekwondo training, maximum muscular strength of isokinetic 60°/sec right extensor muscle and left and right flexor muscle was increased. But, it didn't have an effect on isokinetic 180°/sec, isokinetic 240°/sec extensor and flexor muscles.
Secondly, in the change of brain function indexes of persons who have intellectual disability in accordance with attending in Taekwondo training, the training had an effect on emotion index. But, it didn't have effects on self-control index, basic dance routine index, attention index, activity index, stress index, balance index between right and left brain, and brain index.
In conclusion, through Taekwondo training, lower limb isokinetic muscle functions and brain function index were improved partially. But, in order to gain positive outcome, it is thought Taegwondo training should be carried out continuously more than 12 weeks. So, in follow-up studies, it is required to study following things.
It is required to apply continuous experiments over 12 weeks to persons who have intellectual disability and apply other various sports programs as well as Taekwondo to them. If they are possible, it is expected follow-up studies can gain more outstanding outcome.
Therefore, after consultation with laboratory room that has scientific equipments for persons who have intellectual disability, educational institute should establish long-term plan and observe and measure them continuously. If they are possible, it is expected it is very helpful to change lower limb isokinetic muscle functions and brain function indexes as well as prevent delay condition of exercise functions of persons who have intellectual disability.
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