강우사상에 따른 하수관거 강우유출수의 유출특성 = Runoff characteristics of storm sewer discharges by rainfall event in urban area
The requirement about the water have been enlarged currently in our country. We do the quality of water officer to the point pollution and are getting the effectiveness at my country the point pollution of the back of the waste water treatment plant. But the quality of water of the rivers or back of the appeal was not improved greatly. Consequently the interpreting must be executed with a non-point pollution investigation above all in efficient officer of the non-point pollution. The non-point pollution takes the influence which the back of the total rain depth, duration, antecedent dry weather days, peak rain intensity is various.
Research have been achieved the management of the non-point pollution to the present time at large scale rainfall. For 10 year recently rainfall event thought less than 10 mm a small rain occurrence 66.4%. Research about this was not achieved much.
We must grasp the characteristic which a small rain happens consequently with large scale rain. And rational control about this and officer plan must be established.
BOD was inspected in an event 7 so that it was most high to the CH-1 127.2 mg/L, CH-2 175.5 mg/L, CH-3 115.4 mg/L, CH-4 31.7 mg/L in rainfall event EMCs. The cumulative pollutants mass took the influence of a total rainfall most. BOD was inspected to the CH-1 630.0 kg, CH-2 1006.7 kg, CH-3 902.5 kg, CH-4 1360.7 kg so that it was most high in most total rainfall an event 5. We are taking the influence at the drainage area also if we try to compare an each investigation load. We show many load difference in an identity point. This expresses the fact that the influence by the rain thought is big. An event 8 first-flush rate appeared so that it was high. First-flush rate is appeared especially CH-4 so that it was most high. It is because a smooth impervious rate is high and the drainage area wide. We divided a total rainfall into 10 mm and analyzed. Over 10 mm appeared the load pollution as a result so that it was high. 10 mm lesses appeared arithmetic with EMCs so that it was high. The load pollution a total rainfall gives most big influence.
A rain non-point pollution outflow characteristic changed by the rain thought as well as feature of the area drained by river.
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