돼지의 단백질과 에너지 요구량 결정에 관한 연구 2 . 육성돈의 단백질과 에너지 요구량에 관한 연구 = Studies on the Determining Protein and Energy Requirements of Swine 2 . Studies on the protein and energy requirements of growing swine
A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the dietary protein and energy requirements of weanling pig and growing-finishing swine. Feeding periods were devided to three phases according to body weight (10 to 20㎏, 20 to 35㎏, 35 to 60㎏). The experimental groups were devided into 9 groups combining three levels of dietary protein (High, Medium, and Low level) and three levels of digestible energy (High, Medium, and Low level) based on the nutrient requirements of swine in NRC (1973). The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. In phase 2, the optimum levels of dietary and digestible energy in view of daily gain and feed efficiency were 18% and 3,300㎉/㎏, respectively. There were significant differences in the feed efficiency among groups (P $lt; 0.01) and tended to be improved with increasing levels of protein, where as energy level had no effect on feed efficiency. 2. In phase 3, the optimum levels of dietary protein and digestible energy were 16% and 3,100㎉/㎏ or above, respectively. There were highly significant differences in daily gain and feed efficiency among groups (P $lt; 0.01). Daily gain was gradually decreased as the levels of dietary protein was decreased from 18 to 14%, but was not affected by the level of dietary energy. Although there were significant differences among groups (P $lt; 0.05), no consistent tendency was found in feed intake by the levels of dietary protein and energy. Feed efficiency was depressed as the levels of dietary protein and energy were decreased. 3. In phase 4, the optimum levels of dietary protein and digestible energy were 14% and 3,300㎉/㎏, respectively. Feed intake was slightly increased as the Level of dietary protein was decreased but was not affected by the levels of dietary energy. There were significant differences in feed efficiency among groups, which was depressed as the levels of protein and energy were decreased. Requirements are as follows: 1) Linear regression equations between daily gain (Y) and protein intake (X) Phase 2 : Y = 388.32 + 0.89 X Phase 3 : Y = 4.28 + 2.55 X Phase 4 : Y = 197.83 + 1.73X 2) Linear regression equations between daily gain (Y) and DE intake (X) Phase 2 : Y = 377.39 + 0.053 X Phase 3 : Y = 58.90 + 0.120 X Phase 4 : Y = 269.71 + 0.070 X The calculated daily protein and energy intake obtained from the present studies were as follows: Phase 2 : CP intake ; 1598, DE intake ; 2,800㎉, daily gain ; 530g Phase 3 : CP intake ; 234g, DE intake ; 4,509㎉, daily gain ; 600g Phase 4 : CP intake ; 319g, DE intake ; 6,861㎉, daily gain ; 750g 4. The linear regression equations were derived from the data of feeding trials. The proper linear regressopms obtained from the present studies to calculated the protein and energy requirements are as follows:
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