호텔客室 價格割引에 대한 顧客認識 差異에 관한 硏究 = (A) Study on the cliental perception toward hotel room discounts
The hotel business In Pusan has never been easy due to the chronic problems such as limited demand and the lack of sightseeing attractions. Furthur, recent openings of several grand delux hotels in the area and the stagnation of Korean economy as whole have aggravated the situation.
Therefore, facing the excess supply of hotel rooms and the resultant revenue decline, hotels in Pusan had to offer room rate discounts. By selling rooms at a discounts, hotels hope to bring in incremental revenue from price sensitive guests and reduce the vacancy rate as well. On the other hand, equipped with modern communication hardwares like computers and exposed to various types of mass media, hotel customers look like they are becoming more aware of the market situation than ever and fairly ready to respond to the discount plans being offered.
Noting that hotel guests are very diverse in terms of hotel usage, this study first classifies them into the following four groups: a leisure traveller-individual, a leisure traveller-group, a business traveller-individual, and a business traveller-group, and then analyses empirically their perception and behavioral characteristics toward hotel room discounts. Specially, this study tests through a field survey the hypotheses that the customer groups would be different in terms of the price sensitivity and perception toward discount plans.
Survey results reveal the following statistically significant differences among the cusomer groups;(1) Compared to business traveller, leisure traveller are sensitive to room rates and more eager to use hotel rooms if discounted room rates are affordable. Further, leisure travellers tend to make earlier reservations, (2) Compared to group travellers, individual travellers show a lower satisfaction after using discount plans.
Therefore, the findings of this study strongly suggest that hotels in Pusan need to segment their cusomers into finer and smaller subsets with similar responsiveness to their discount plans. Specially, they need to develop a more economical discount plan to induce more price sensitive leisure travellers, or they could refine their discount plans in such a way that discounts would be based on the factors which customers can control, including especially reservation in advance. Further, considering that individual travellers usually pay higher rates and thus show a lower level of satisfaction than group travellers do, hotels need to pay special attentions to individual travellers to satisfy their needs while they are staying the hotels.
In conclusion, in order to circumvent the current adverse marketing enviroment hotels in Pusan area have to provide better services with lower rates. As indicated by the findings, implementing the yield management through a refind market segmentation and more sophisticated computer technology is one way to do it.
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