일부 지역 제조업체 안전·보건관계자들의 지식 및 태도에 관한 연구 = A Study on the Knowledge and Attitude of Safety and Health Management Personnels in Manufacturing Industries
The useful preventive measure for industrial accidents in manufacturing industries could be achieved through automation, education of workers on safety, proper work practice and etc. The success of prevention of industrial accident could be haevily relied on the awareness of accident prevention of workers and management personnel in each industries.
In order to obtain general awareness of industrial accident in terms of knowledge and attitude and to provide useful information for the proper preventive measure of industrial accident, questionnaire survey was done with manufacturing industries in Chunan area which has 5 and more workers. Questionnaire with 50 question items were sent to 570 relevant personnels in 471 manufacturing industries. Out of 560, 460 relevant personnel replied to the questionnaire. The results obtained were as follow;
1. While most manufacturing industries(391 industries, 86.7%) under study reported that they had full time occupational safety and health personnel, only 30 manufacturing industries(6.5%) with legal requirement of such personnel did not have relevant ones.
2. Most popular position for the personnel of safety and health duty were section chief(33.2%), and 46.8% of safety and health personnel were in the age group of 30-39. Whereas 66.9% of them were titled as production chief and management chief.
3. Most safety and health personnel(98.5%) reported that disseminated information from professional organization of occupational safety and health were very useful to carry out their safety and health duties.
4. Eight one percent respondent received safety education from governmental organization or affiliated institute and most of them (97.3%) reported that such education was very effective.
5. While 61.8% of respondent reported the necessity of field inspection by inspector for routine and consultation, 30.0% of respondent wanted document inspection without real field inspection. But most respondent replied that such inspections were useful for conducting safety and health prevention.
6. While 93.7% of respondent thought that accident prevention were helpful for production, 88.8% and 86.0 of them replied that accident prevention could influence the cost of production and quality of products, respectively which eventually influenced the competitiveness of each industries.
7. Eighty five percent of respondent replied that accident could be prevented with educational, personal and material resources.
8. While 96.5% of respondent replied that their industries provided safety education, out of them 26.2% industries thought that their safety education were superficial. The most popular frequency of safety education was once per month(56.0%) and 31.0% industries provided once a week. On the other hand 13.1% of industries provided every day safety education on regular basis.
9. While 45.2% of respondent replied that employer had strong commitment for safety and health, 41.3% of respondent replied that there were some changes and progression of employer's attitude for safety and health issues.
10. While 49.2% of respondent replied the necessity of legal requirement of safety personnel, 45.8% of respondent replied that voluntary requirement for safety personnel were more practical and helpful for accident prevention.
11. The necessity of periodic health examination were replied from most respondent(90.0%) and 73.0% of respondent thought that periodic health examination were helpful for the promotion of worker's health, but 56.4% of respondent criticized that periodic health examination were superficial and needed revision of content and method of periodic health examination.
12. Most respondent(92.7%) agreed the necessity of environmental measurement and 64.4% of respondent had their confidence on the result of environmental measurement, whereas 56.7% of respondent replied that their industries were repaired and improved according to the recommendation of environmental measurement and 85.6% of respondent replied that some kind of countermeasure for the recommendation such as supplies of personal protective equipments were done.
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