軍看護員의 出身學校別 志望動機와 適應度에 對한 調査 = A Survey on the Motives for Volunteering Commissioned Nurses by their School Origin and their Vocational Aptitude
許順任 (서울大學校保健大學院)
서울大學校保健大學院(The School of Public Health,Seoul National University)
The data contained here in is the summary of a survey on "the motives for nurses enrollment in the military sevice", "nurses aptitude with militnary life", and actual differences in career capability in relation to nursing schools graduated.
This survey was conducted on 347 nurses who were in active service by means of questionnaire between April 3rd through May 20th 1972: group A is comprised of 169 nurses who graudated from various nursing schools sponsored by armed forces scholarship program from 1969 to 1971 and group B of 178 nurses graudated from the Armed Forces Nursing School during 1970 through 1972.
Total of 298 persons responded to the questionnaire with comments and opinions, and the materials have been carefully analysed and obtained following results:
1. The motives for enrollment in the military service were tuition exemption and various fringe benefits expected in addition to the tuition in 31.6% of the group A and 33.9% of the group B.
2. The decision to apply for the scholarship was made while they were in the nursing school, and the information about the scholarship program was obtained through their close associated; 56.0% of the group A made decision after entering nursing school and 55.1% of the group B on or about the time of high school graduation obtaining information through their close associates.
3. Self decision applying the scholarship without any other's influence was 58.3% for group A and 52.8% for group B.
4. The leading opinion on obligatory miliiary service period after the completion of the nursing school was "too long"; 90.7% of the group A and 81.4% of the group B stated that the service period was too long and wanted to be free from the military service immediately after the minimum mandatory period.
5. Opinion on the first hospital duty regarding to facilities, army atmosphere and service revealed difference in two groups: most of the group A(46.0%) showed dissatisfactory, while majority of the group B(44,7%) stated as fair or so so.
6. Comments on commissioned nurse as a profession, 69.8% of the group A stated disappointed, whereas 42.8% fo the group B fair or so so.
7. When they were asked whether they would recommend to become commissioned nurse to student nurses, 38.9% of the group A answered that thay would not recommend because they found some discrepancy between reality and expectation, and 61.7% of the group B stated there were equal amount of advantage and disadvantage in being commissioned nurse.
8. Among single nurses, 46.1% of the group A and 42.8% of group B preferred marriage life regardless of military duty; most of the remaining single nurse wanted marriage after the discharge from the army.
9. Plan folloing discharge was to become house wife in 53.2% of the group A and 45.9% of the group B.
10. Performance appraisal of supervisory nurse revealed no difference in quality and quantity among two groups: 49.2% and 44.7% of group A and 50.0% and 46.6% of group B were rated as excellent. The capabilities of leadership were scored as moderate in 56.8% for group A and 48.0% for group B. In conclusion, each item stated above comparing two groups A and B showed no significant differences statistically.
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