『묵재일기(默齋日記)』에 나타난 명종대(明宗代)지방의 서적유통(書籍流通) 실태 = The condition of the book circulation which appears in the 『MukJaeIlGhi』
LeeMunGun has recorded in the 『MukJaeIlGhi』 the life of 31 years in which he was exiled in 1535 and died in 1567. And this book has given us the living life of the local man of the middle and late in the 16th century and there is a possibility of trying to observe the process where the book circulation conditions and local man has possessed the book. To investigate the change of the book circulation of the middle and late in the 16th century which appears in the 『MukJaeIlGhi』 will be important for reveal the service system of knowledge after 16th. LeeMunGun in Songju to be exiled has maintained the relationship with a government official and has given their many help in publication of the book. Also he has controled the book. And he has taken a lot of book for a present from the other region’s government official and the government agency or he has given the paper and after has received the book in the printed form.
LeeMunGun has been published 『JuJiaSeulJeulRou』 with HwangWhoHan who was an Songju pastor and the follower of LeeHwang and has tried to possess 『JuJiaDaeJean』. In this case we may know the process of change from SeogRiHak to JuJiaHak. Also in the middles of 16th SimHak has been became popular, and then the book of a kind of 『GonGiGhi』 or 『SimKyung』 was published and circulated. Also the other books like a 『SeoKyungDeuk』 was widely circulated.
Afterwords, to observe the condition of the region book of which will be able to confirm in the 『MukJaeIlGhi』, first of all, there are the many kind of the book omitted in the edition of 9 year of SeunJou: 25 types in KyungkangDo, 7 types in JeunLado, 2 types in ChwungChengDo. And there are 25 types omitted in the edition of 18 year of SeunJou: 18 types in KyungkangDo, 5 types in JeunLado, 2 types in ChwungChengDothe.
To the result of compare the book list, the book which was presumed that he has possessed was confirmed as the total 172 species. We can see that He has taken the various type’s book.
And he has kept the book of YooGha type as 『SeogRiDeaJoun』. In this case we may know the process of his change from SeogRiHak to JuJiaHak. And then he has taken SimKyung and GonGiGhi, it seems that he has taken a growing interest in SimHak of the first half in the 16th. We must attention specially a kind of the his book. He has possessed the book of Do spirit and the art of divination and so on, there is a possibility which it will know his personal propensity.
In those days, the JeaJi has drown out and has possessed the book used the their private relationship. But they hasn’t purchased the book from the civil book shop. The general course of the circulation of the book at that time was the book shop in the local through the exclusive interchange of a private group.
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