고객에 대한 미용기술서비스 만족에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 = A Study on Customers" Satisfaction with Technical Service in Hair Dresser"s Shops
This study conducted a questionnaire survey toward man customers and woman customers of hair dresser"s shops, who are living in Daegu, Kyungbuk, in order to know factors influencing on customers" satisfaction with technical services for hair beauty. This questionnaire by personal self-administration was carried from November 25th to December 15th, 2003, 423 copies out of collected data were used for this study.
This paper used one-way ANOVA in order to know satisfaction degrees by factors toward customer techniques and satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques, according to examinees" general characters and hair-related characters. Correlation Analysis was used to know relations between satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques and related factors, and Multiple Regression Analysis was used to examine effect degrees between satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques and related factors.
Summing up this study, results are as follows;
1. In satisfaction degrees by factors toward customer techniques according to general characters and hair-related characters, as for satisfaction degrees by factors toward customer techniques according to general characters, money amount satisfaction toward technique service showed significant differences in age and religion(p<0.05), age, educational degree, monthly income showed significant differences concerning psychological satisfaction with hair-style change(p<0.05).
Satisfaction with hair style directions proper for face shape were significantly different from age(p<0.05), satisfaction with technical expertness were significantly different in marital status, age, educational background(p<0.05),satisfaction with getting special techniques were significantly different from age(p<0.05).
In satisfaction degrees by factors toward customer techniques according to hair-related character, money amount satisfaction with technique service were significantly different from frequency of using hair dresser"s shops for 1 year(p<0.05), cost-appropriateness satisfaction in the technical side were significant different from sorts of hairdye(p<0.05). Psychological satisfaction with hair style change was significantly different from sorts of hairdye, ratio of white hair, and frequency of using hair dresser"s shops for 1 year(p<0.05), satisfaction with hair style directions proper for face shape were significantly different from hair length, sorts of hairdye, customers" recent use term of hair dresser"s shops(p<0.05), satisfaction with technique expertness showed significant differences in hair length, sorts of hairdye, ratio of white hair(p<0.05). Satisfaction with getting special techniques were significantly different from sorts of hairdye(p<0.05).
2. In satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques according to examinees" general characters and hair-related characters, satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques showed significant differences in age only(p<0.05), satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques according to hair-related characters showed significant differences in hair length and hair style states(p<0.05).
3. In correlation between satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques and related factors, factors showing plus significant correlation were money amount satisfaction toward technical services, cost-appropriateness in the technical side, psychological satisfaction with hair style change, hair style directions proper for face shape, satisfaction with technical expertness, and acquirement of special technique. Among those factors, satisfaction with technical expertness showed the highest correlation in its correlation coefficient 0.5511.
4. Factors showing significant effects in the Regression Analysis on satisfaction degrees toward customer techniques and related factors wer
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