잠업단지(蠶業團地)의 경제효율(經濟效率)에 관한 비교분석(比較分析) = Comparative Analysis of Economic Efficiency by Major Sericultural Farming Areas in Korea
한국잠사곤충학회지(Journal of sericultural and entomological science )
The major purpose of this study is to collect the information related on the aspects of economic efficiency for solving the problems which are faced by farmers and areas, and providing scientific facts to farmers and related institutions for further development of sericultural sector in Korea. In order for obtaining the related information 12 sample areas among 23 major sericultural farming areas and 30 farm units in each area are selected and analyzed in this study. The field suevey is made by member of this study team and graduate students in the Department of Sericultural Science with a prepared questionnaires. Cross-section and regression analysis methods are employed for processing the data in this study. The major findings obtained are as followings. 1. Sericultural earnings per Tanbo is, on the average, 22,752 won in new cultivated areas and 29,403 won in ordinary ones. There are big difference in the size of earnings by areas, especially, 46,968 won in Kumo mountain area, compared with 16,798 won in Yeoju and Yichun areas. General trend is finded that small scale farming units are made higher earnings and operating their farms efficiently. 2. Cocoon production expences per Tanbo is 16,737 won in new cultivated areas and 19,802 won in ordinary areas. There are also big difference in farming expences, especially, 27,389 won in Sudang area, compared with 11,689 won in Emjin area. 3. Sericultural income per Tanto is 10,664 won in ordinary areas and 6,898 won in new cultivated areas. Farmers in Kumo mountain area make the highest income of 21,164 won and lowest income of 1,296 won in Sudang area. It can be generized that about 30-50 a sized farmers make higher income. 4. Land, labor and capital productivities estimated by fitting Cobb-Douglas functions in ordinary areas are higher than in new cultivated areas, especially, labor productivity is higher in ordinary areas. 5. Changsung, Kwangna, Yunsun and Kumo mountain areas are technically and economically efficient. Sudang and Mujinchang areas are technically successful but economically inefficient and Emjin and Honam areas are technically inefficient but economically efficient. YeojuYichun, Chunwon and West Kyongnam are technically and economically inefficient. Technical and economic improvement program should be implemented for these areas. 6. Estimated Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on capital investment in Chongwon are is 23.5 percent. It is economically feasible, if we consider 20 percent of opportunity cost of capital in our economy.
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