Streptomyes strain에 의한 Polymeric 염료와 Azo염료들의 탈색에 관한 연구 = The study on the decolorization of Polymeric and Azo dyes by Streptomyces strains
김태전 (보건과학연구소 의료기술연구실) ; 윤경하 (순천향대학교 자연과학대학 생명과학부 생물학과) ; 최한영 (보건과학연구소 환경보건연구실)
서울보건대학 부설 한국보건과학연구소 논문집(Annual Bulletin of Institute of Health Research )
Two Actinomycetes strains that it was excellent for degradablitiy of lignocellulose and lignin, and the highest for decolorization ratio of Remazol brilliant blue R(RBBR) dye, which was good relationship with degradabiliy of lignocellulose and lignin were identified finally with Streptomyces halstedii scabies SAl-36과 Streptomyces lavendulas SA2-14.
Authors used these two strains to examine into the visiable spectrum and decolorization ratios of Azo dyes : amaranth, metanil yellow, orangeII. tropaeolin O, congo red, and Polymeric dye; poly R-478.
The results to be examined were summarized as following.
① The visible spectrum of poly R-478, and amaranth, congo red. metanil yellow, orange II, tropaelin O were indicated that poly R-478 was 520/350nm. and amaranth. 522/324nm ; congo red. 490/434nm ; metanil yellow. 436/380nm ; orange II 484/310nm ; Tropaeolin O, 410/324 nm
② Each decolorization ratios of Azo dyes and Polymeric dye by Streptomyces halstedii scabies SA1-36 were showed that tropaeolin O was 79.3% ; poly R-478, 78.8% ; amaranth, 75.4%; orange II, 67.0% ; metanil yellow, 51.4% ; and congo red, 47.5%, so that the decolorization ratios of tropaelin O was the highest, and congo red, lowest. Consequently Streptomyces halstedii scabies SA1-36 was regarded as a good strain for the decolorization of tropaelin O into Azo dyes and poly R-478.
③ Each decolorization ratios of Azo dyes and Polymeric dye by Streptomyces lavendulas SA2-14 were showed that tropaeolin O was 81.4%; poly R-478, 80.0%; orangeII, 74.1%; congo red, 65.0%; metanil yellow, 57.7%, so that the decolorization ratios of tropaelin O was the highest. and secondly poly R-478. higher. and other dyes indicated the decolorization ratios of 57.7%-74.1%. Consequently Streptomyces halstedii scabies SA1-36 was regarded as a good strain than Streptomyces halstedii scabies SA1-36, and a good strain for the decolorization of tropaelin O into Azo dyes and poly R-478.
④ Each decolorization ratios of Azo dyes and Polymeric dye by Streptomyces badius ATCC 39117 (control group) were showed that tropaeolin O was 80.3% ; poly R-478, 79.0% ; amaranth, 70.7%; orange II, 66.4% ; congo red, 57.4% ; methenil yellow, 50.3%, so that the decolorization ratios by control group was the highest in tropaelin O, and secondly higher in poly R-478 as well as two experimental strains.
⑤ Two experimental strains were decolorized all of the examined dyes at the early days of culture, but control group, at the latter days of culture.
In the above results, two experimental strains that were identified as Streptomyces halstedii scabies SAl-36과 Streptomyces lavendulas SA2-14 was regarded as a good strains for the decolorization of tropaelin O into Azo dyes and Poly R-478, and indicated 1-8% of high decolorization ratios than control group in all of Azo dyes and poly R-478, and among three strains Streptomyces lavendulas SA2-14 was thought as the best strain, when it were based on the days of culture, two experimental strains were decolorized all of the examined dyes at the early days of culture, but control group. at the latter days of culture.
In the future, it will be necessary to invastigate what kind of dyes series with the object of more dyes which are decolorized more effectively by two experimental strains, also it will be more important subjects to examine into enzymes produced by Actinomycetes and establish exactly mechanism of decolorization by various produced enzymes.
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