Evaluation of constitutive relations for concrete modeling based on an incremental theory of elastic strain-hardening plasticity
Petr Král (Brno University of Technology) ; Petr Hradil (Brno University of Technology) ; Jiří Kala (Brno University of Technology) 연구자관계분석
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal(Computers and Concrete, An International Journal)
KCI 피인용횟수
Today, the modeling of concrete as a material within finite element simulations is predominantly done through nonlinear material models of concrete. In current sophisticated computational systems, there are a number of complex concrete material models which are based on theory of plasticity, damage mechanics, linear or nonlinear fracture mechanics or combinations of those theories. These models often include very complex constitutive relations which are suitable for the modeling of practically any continuum mechanics tasks. However, the usability of these models is very often limited by their parameters, whose values must be defined for the proper realization of appropriate constitutive relations. Determination of the material parameter values is very complicated in most material models. This is mainly due to the non-physical nature of most parameters, and also the large number of them that are frequently involved. In such cases, the designer cannot make practical use of the models without having to employ the complex inverse parameter identification process. In continuum mechanics, however, there are also constitutive relations that require the definition of a relatively small number of parameters which are predominantly of a physical nature and which describe the behavior of concrete very well within a particular task. This paper presents an example of such constitutive relations which have the potential for implementation and application in finite element systems. Specifically, constitutive relations for modeling the plane stress state of concrete are presented and subsequently tested and evaluated in this paper. The relations are based on the incremental theory of elastic strain-hardening plasticity in which a non-associated flow rule is used. The calculation result for the case of concrete under uniaxial compression is compared with the experimental data for the purpose of the validation of the constitutive relations used.
연월일 | 이력구분 | 이력상세 | 등재구분 |
2021 | 평가예정 | 해외DB학술지평가 신청대상 (해외등재 학술지 평가) | |
2020-12-01 | 평가 | 등재 탈락 (해외등재 학술지 평가) | |
2016-12-26 | 학회명변경 | 한글명 : 한국국제계산역학회 -> 사단법인 한국계산역학회 | KCI등재 |
2013-10-01 | 평가 | SCOPUS 등재 (등재유지) | KCI등재 |
2011-11-01 | 학술지명변경 | 한글명 : 컴퓨터와 콘크리트 국제학술지 -> Computers and Concrete, An International Journal | KCI후보 |
2011-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 유지 (기타) | KCI후보 |
2005-01-01 | 평가 | SCIE 등재 (신규평가) | KCI후보 |
기준연도 | WOS-KCI 통합IF(2년) | KCIF(2년) | KCIF(3년) |
2016 | 0.72 | 0.07 | 0.53 |
KCIF(4년) | KCIF(5년) | 중심성지수(3년) | 즉시성지수 |
0.44 | 0.4 | 0.173 | 0.02 |
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