综论中国行政区划体制改革及“省管县”实验 = A Comprehensive Study on Chinese Reform of Administrative Division’s System and Trials for Province’s Directly Managing County
As a structural formation and an arrangement of basic institution in a country, the administrative division’s system is neither a single area nor a unitary economic or administrative system, but the fundamental question of the comprehensive systems for long?\term orientating core administrative resources, such as distributing regions, exploiting natural resources, establishing local power, dividing finance and tax revenue, standardizing governmental function and delimiting officials. Differing from other around 200 countries and regions in the world at present, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been typically characterized as a vertical many levels of the administrative division’s system because of the high planned economy, the centralized state power and the traditional lagged conditions of communication as well as traffic systems over a past long period of time. Although having paid significant historical roles for upholding state unification and societal stability, and building modern industrial systems, the Chinese current administrative division’s system, since the significant changes of the situation and surrounding from the opening and reform of China began in 1978, has been increasingly exposed a whole series of deep contradiction and trouble including the miscellaneous administrative levels, the unbalanced administrative ranges, the low administrative efficiency and the deficiency of lawful norms. Therefore, comprehensive reform is in need of the Chinese current administrative division’s system. But, as a complicated, sensitive and enormous systems engineering, the Chinese future reform of administrative division’s system must to be carefully considered with the situation as a whole in mind. And firstly, the objective model of the Chinese future administrative division’s system will still be a unitary state but neither a state of total regional autonomy nor one with federal system or a confederation of nations. Secondarily, the overall train of thought has a package of the reform on four administrative levels covered by “the gradually narrowing provinces”, “the innovating urban institutions”, “the province’s directly managing county” and “the autonomously governing countryside and town”. Thirdly, the key in the short?\middle term is to select some suitable provinces as comprehensive experiments, and widen the path through the criterion of all kinds of administrative area setting and the experiments on the reform of the county town and urban inside. Finally, the author of this paper estimates that “the province’s directly managing county” as a strategic direction will undergo three important steps(“economic decentralization of power”, “administrative decentralization of power” and “political decentralization of power”), after then, eventually realize “separately governing urban and rural areas” and touch off the demand of overall reform of Chinese administrative division’s system including “the gradually narrowing provinces”, “the innovating urban institutions” and “the autonomously governing countryside and town”.
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