농어촌 인구 정주에 관한 환경 계획적 연구 = Study of Environmental Planning regarding the Settlement of the Popuation in Agricultural and fishing Villages
The settlement of population in agricultural areas helps to prevent the influx of agricultural population to metropolitan areas and also contributes to improving residential environments of large cities. Constituting a major pillar to support balanced development of a nation, it can be said to be the key task in regional planning.
Recently, Korean agricultural society has gone through a tremendous change. The economic policy of urbanization and industrialization enforced in the 1970's resulted in the concentration of industries and economies mostly in cities, which inevitably led to the phenomenon of so-called "leaving countries for cities." This indicates the outflow of agricultural population from countries into cities.
As a result, the development of agricultural regions has slowed down, with the population decreasing and the community becoming empty, in contrast to urban areas. Consequently, agricultural areas are facing a crisis, and it is hard even to maintain them as residential areas.
Furthermore, the wide regional gap between cities and agricultural areas derived from the process of urbanization and industrialization is recognized as a big barrier to the efficient use and balanced development of the land of the nation. Therefore, plans of rearrangements of residential environments in the agricultural areas are emergingas an urgenttask, both in revitalization of decreasing agricultural areas and in balanced developmentof the national territory. However, academic investment or developmental policies up to now have been mostly concentrated on cities. Matters of agricultural areas, thus, have been neglected as secondary problems to those of cities.
It is essential to view the question of the settlement of agricultural population from various perspectives and to have academic involvement. Yet, the settlement of population, the result of movement, is a very complicated phenomenon originated in the relationships between residents, the subjects of settlement, and the surrounding regional circumstances. These phenomena vary according to the behaviors and attitudes of the residents. And the degrees of satisfaction of the residents differ depending on each individual's value system. Therefore, the attempt to establish the settlement of the agricultural population can be seen in this context. It is the biggest mission, then, to simultaneously examine both aspects, the aspect regarding regional environments and the aspect related to residents, the subjects of settlement.
Finally, as mentioned before, it is necessary to note that the attributes and conditions are various both in a macroscopic level involving regions and in a microscopic level involving individuals as subjects of settlement. It is also necessary to investigate the perspectives from which the settlement in the agricultural regions is dealt with in the regional, environmental planning. Obviously, this issue needs be handled with external and internal analyses as it involves both the reality and the ideal of the residents' value system.
Therefore, this study is not about simply restoring the past in regard to a series of problems with the settlement of agricultural population. This study aims to pursue the natural essence of agricultural areas in which new agricultural regions and cities can be integrated under the conditions of national territory, and at the same time, to deal with the agricultural areas as new space for settlement.
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