삼성의 신 경영이념을 통해 본 기업가 정신 연구 : 삼성 이건희 회장의 사례를 중심으로 = The Study on Entrepreneurship of the Chairman Kun-Hee Lee's New Management Creed of Samsung
金聖壽 (경희대학교 국제경영학부)
This research was to highlight the entrepreneurship of chairman Kun-Hee Lee the 2nd founder of Massing corporation, who carries the management principle which focuses on the devotion to human society by providing best products and services with talents and technology. Also it aimed to revisit the life and the management principle of chairman knish Lee who, with the new management, tried to found world's first human corporation.
This research was mainly divided into two parts: literature-history research method and managerial history research method, and it analyzed the managerial accomplishment chronically according to the literature history documents, and managerial history method. This research took 6 months in which the document collection process, writing process, and 6 party joint research processes were completed. The content of the research divided and categorized chairman knish Lee's life and managerial principles in the following order: (1)President inauguration and the re-foundation of the corporation, and his management and his managerial revolution process in his early adult life, (2)genius management and establishment of the leading corporation in the world in his latter adult life.
Next, the entrepreneirship through chairman knish Lee's managerial principle was examined. The 6 elements of Kun-Hee Lee's new the entrepreneurship that were examined are as follows:
(1) Sprit of a leading corporation, (2) sprit of ethical management, (3) sprit of genius esteem, (4)sprit of technological revolution, (5) sprit of environmental emphasis, (6) sprit of social contribution.
Samsung corporation's chairman Kun-Hee Lee carries the entreereneurshie principles such as (1) be with customers, (2) challenge the world, (3) create the future, etc. His entreereneurship is based on the righteous managerial sprit, known as 'I need to be the first on to change', which aims to reflect the east and analyze today's critical situation. Especially his righteous managerial sprit is etiquette, etc. Therefore, he is the pioneer of Mchumpeter's, capitalist market economy, and the creative entrepreneur why seeks for innovation. He is reviewed as one of the greatest 21st century manager shy carries these 5 characteristics:
(1) positive mind, (2) emphasis on self-changing, (3) faith and trust, (4) keeping endurance and rules, (5) having courage not to be afraid of failure.
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