공연미학적 측면에서 본 Giselle 작품 연구 = A Study of Giselle's Work Taking a Side View of Performance Aesthetic
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From the very beginning Giselle had enough qualities to be remembered by her work of being overwhelmed with grief as long-living superior masterpiece. This work, a prxluct of Romantic art ruling the then Europe, had all good requisites of Romantic ballet generally terming the Romantic era.
The work of Giselle had been got the plan and was staged for the first time June 28, 1841 by Gautier, an ensigner of the Romantic Movement. After that this work was staged in many a country by many ballet companies and until the present through the twentieth century the work is highlighted supremely as theatrical art.
The purpose of thes thesis is to study the work of Giselle from the side of stage aesthetic and then show the peculiar beauty of this work more systematically. Moreover in this thesis I tried to study the position of this work in history of dance through looking into closely the decline cause of the Romantic ballet.
Because only so the weight of Gisellean work which has the value for being as emblem of one era is to be found correctly. From this side I kept in mind the following facts as a result of studying of her work.
First of all, the work of Giselle is an excellent and is unfolding its story, and then in that manner the peculiar tragic attributes of the woork are shaping. Futhermore this work proeides a fantastic sight through the contrast between rural atmosphere which is essence of the Romantic ballet like Giselleian work, including a wonderful performance of Giselle, and women dancers is the Romantic Tu-Tu. This is the most important factor of Gissllean work's succesful causes.
And the excellent acting power of Giselle the leading actress in Acr! and the elegant technique of her in Act II are successful causes which can never be overlooked. By means of these both sides all ballerinas are prepossed with to reach the supreme darding ground a time.
I came to some conclusions as follows by summarizing organically such peculiar aspects of GisellEan work.
Firstly, the Romantic art has looked in the inner realities of humane beings under their natural surroundings. In a word the Romantic art which was in a state of instinct has had laissez-faire, exciting passion, fantasy of perception, etc., in view of Dionysusian art. The art of Giselle has, of ourss, very much attributes of these types.
Secondly, in Gisellean work we can find out obviously a tragic effect in the process of conversion from happiness to unhappiness. Here we aan pay attention to the role of Hilarion. Giselle who could get out of obsession of love by the fact that Albrecht was not a commoner but a count was to Giselle through Hilarion. Threafter Giselle who realized her situation comes back to the real world.
It suggests that in the framework of inclusion the rescue through Albrecht dramatizes the frustrated Giselle's frenzy, accordingly Hilarion's true love toward Giselle is only a fantasy and. after all it confronts the trahic reality that is death.
Thirdly, in order to know that the work of Giselle may be successful, I have no hesitation in saying that the ballerina who will take Giselle has to take with an extensive porwr of expression through excellent technique and have a deliberate theoretical foundations altogether.
Fourthly, the work of Giselle is composed of both the framework of inclusion of Act I and the intrinstic framework, but it is also made up so as to reveal its both frameworks spontaneously by causing the scene of hallucination of heroine Albrecht to choose death.
Fifth, this work depends upon the womman dancer's technique too much, for that reason the matters of imagination, sensibility, and power of expression of fantasy was nealected. And laying emphasis on the dramatic effect of idle ease results in gradual fading out dramatic sympathy of Giselle with the lapse of time. I can not help Pointh out above problem.
But in spite of these problems up to mow gisellean work has been kept not only its reputation but also its phase as an immortal masterpiece Which is barimg danced by many a world-renowned ballerinas. And I believe the work from nova on will be loved. as a work which will appeal to the inner of all humane beings hotly and sincerely.
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