왕세정(王世貞) 수서(壽序) 초탐(初探) = A basic study on the Su-Seo(壽序) of Wang Shizhen(王世貞)
In the early 17th century, Su-Seo celebratory writing for longevity appeared in the Joseon朝鮮 Dynasty. It came out among writers who took the lead in learning about the Ming, namely, “study ming學明”. Although Su-Seo of the Ming was written broadly regardless of literary schools, the Restoration School復 古派 was interested in it in Joseon. In particular, it was a new literary style gained through learning on Wang Shizhen. It can be known from the facts that Jicheonsuseo芝川壽序, which was the first Su-Seo in Joseon, came from Yoon Geunsu尹根壽 who was interested in the Restoration School or even 12 works of Su-Seo are included in Wangumzumuncho王감州文抄 which was compiled by Shin chue申最. In the late Joseon Dynasty, Su-Seo of Wang used to be quoted as a case to suggest the appropriateness of creating Su-Seo. Hong Gyehui洪啓禧 proposed writing Su-Seo to King Yeongjo英祖, citing Wang. In the collection of literary works of Lee Yonghyu李用休, there is a trace that he read Su-Seo of Wang. Especially, Cho Cheongyeong趙天經 would quote Su-Seo of Wang a lot in the writing for his ancestors. Su-Seo is one of prose styles, which has been developed under the influence of social and cultural environment in the Jiangnan江南 areas in the Ming Dynasty. Especially, Su-Seo which was written in the period from Jiajing嘉靖 to Wanli萬曆 era takes 91.5%. Wang Shizhen is a writer who wrote Su-Seo the most in the time. He contributed greatly to making it settled as one of literature. He wrote 124 works of Su-Seo in his lifetime. There are things for key figures in political circles, his teachers in his childhood, or people of the Taicang太倉 Wang clans. But, shouxu written for literary people who sided with Wang is particularly paid attention to. These works help to understand his literature a lot in stereoscopic vision. Wang considered Su-Seo as a “transformed historical record”. He harmonized narration with discussion properly without using splendid rhetoric and made use of natural and strong literary styles in arranging expressions. Also, he was positive in writing Su-Seo for Rushang儒商 or women from thinking that it is very useful in transmitting “beautiful behavior” of the weak in society who do not know Su-Seo to future generations.
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