임신악조를 경험하는 임부들의 식이에 관한 조사 연구 = A Study on Food Preference of Pregnant Women who Experience Nausea
이미라 (서울대학교 의과대학 간호학과)
This study is made to observe the change in amount of food intake and food preference of the pregnant women who experience nausea. 185 women, who visited parental clinic in their ante partum course and delivered in Seoul National University Hospital, from Nov. 1, 1974 to June 30 1975, were chosen for this study.
They were asked whether there is a change in amount of food intake, according to place and person with whom they eat; and whether they like each spice and each taste, temperature and solidity of food, or not. Also they were asked what the agreeable eating method is and kinds of food they like or dislike during the period of nausea.
The results are reviewed statistically and they are as follows:
1) 90 subjects(49. 65%, P<0. 001) eat poorly at home; 134(72.43%, P <0. 001) eat well outdoors.
2) 80 subjects (43. 2%, P<0. 05) eat poorly alone; 117(69.6%, P<0. 001) eat well with their husband, 93 (52.84%, P<0.001) with relatives on their side, and 75 (42. 13%, P<0. 005) with friends.
:3) Cold food is agreeable to 119 subjects (64. 32%, P<0.001) ; warm food disagreeable to 89 (48. 11%, P<0.001). Hot temperature of food is agreeable to 86(46.49%) and also disagreeable to 85 (45.94%).
4) Solid food is disagreeable to 89 subjects (48. 11%, P<0.001) ; moderately solid
food agreeable to 97(52.43%, P<0.001), soft food to 86 (46.49%, P<0.001),
and liquid to 103(55.68%, P<0.001).
5) In main dishes, foods tasting hot is agreeable to 103 subjects (55.68%, P< 0. 001) and sour to 92 (49. 73%, P<0. 001) ; foods tasting salty disagreeable to 108 (58. 38%. P<0. 001), and sweet to 83 (44.86%, P<0.001). In dessert, foods tasting sour is agreeable to 100 subjects (54. 06%, P<0.001), and sweet to 98 (52.97%, P<0. 001) ; foods tasting salty disagreeable to 112(60.54%, P<0. 001).
6) Moderately seasoned foods is agreeable to 83 subjects (44. 8%, p<0. 001) ; simply seasoned foods disagreeable to 100 (54.06%, P<0.001). Highly seasoned foods is agreeable to 80 (43. 24%) and also disagreeable to 76 (41. 08%).
7) The agreeable spices are hot bean paste in 105 subjects (56. 75%, P<0. 001) red pepper in 88 (47.57%, P<0.001) and bean paste in 84(45.41%, P<0. 001) . The disagreeable ones are soy sauce in 99 (53. 1%, P<0. 001), garlic in 96 (51.89%, P<0.001), welsh onion in 89 (48. 11%, P<0.001) and sesame oil and other oils in 85(45.95%, P<0.001).
8) The agreeable eating methods are eating rice and soup or water mixed in 104` subjects (56.22%, P<0. 001) and eating rice and other dishes mixed in 92(49. 73 %, P<O. 001). The disagreeable ones are eating rice and soup separately in 86 (46.49%, p<O. 001) and drinking water after finishing rice and other dishes in 81(43.78%, P<0.001).
9) Foods which pregnant women prefer are fruits in 78 subjects (42. 16%), meat in 41 (42.16%), foods made sixth flour in 28 (15. 113%), and radish or other, vegetables in 21 (11. 35%).
10) Foods which pregnant women dislike are kimchi in 43 subjects (23.24%),,
meat and fried foods in 20 (10.81%) respectively, and fishes in 18 (9.72%).
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