淸州圈 開發計劃 樹立의 基本方向에 關한 硏究 = A study on the general planning for the regional development in Cheongju region
Korea has made a remarkable growth of economy with the social and cultural change in the last twenty odd years, developing overally human settlements. But negative factors lay behind the disappearance of the growth, regarded in relation to regional development. Those have occurred the disparities of regional growth and income between one region and others, the negligence of regional marginal resources, the development disregarded environmental pollution and the development policies for efficiency rather than creation for comfortable settlements. That is not excepting Cheong-ju region.
The object of this study shall be to improve the inhabitant living environment not only laying stress on the traditional culture, but also inducing the external and internal development for Cheongju region and to promote the development for the periphery spreaded the extending effects into integrating human settlements.
This study sets limits to theoretical approach and planning for the regional development in contents, the affective region centering around the urban planning area for Cheong ju city in space and the year's 2000 in time.
If the regional development planning are continuously established in the existing same way as the first program for land development (1972~1981), there must be occurred the disparities among the regions, the inefficiency and accountability of allocation of resources, the negligence of traditions and the passive participation in the regional development planning. Therefore, the planning must require further examination for human settlements, environmental pollution and economical activities and give serious consideration of regional planning to settlement planning and conservation for environment.
The background of Cheongju region shows briefly that the region has a population of about one million and Cheong-ju city has about 253 thousands in 1980. The population of the region in 2000 is expected to be about one and half million and Cheongju city is expected to have 550 thousands within and beyond the limits of 10% or so. The regional growth potentialities about the social and cultural, industrial lecational and centralizational sides are greater than the other region.
The traditions worth conserving are the system of open spaces at the city, cultural assets, inheritant temper and the educational and cultural function of the city.
Firstly, the regional development planning must establish the policies that make Cheongju city a growth pole of the region; inducing the basic industries concerned with the educational and cultural city function, expanding the utilities, especially roads, between the city and the peripheries, improving on the level of services from the city and creating comfortable cityscape by way of urban design.
Secondly, the regional development planning must be based on the human settlement planning; diversifing the allocation of inhabitant population with diverse density, allocating the basic civil facilities, especially schools and cultural ones, allocating resources on a spatial as well as sectoral basis, with a view to improving efficiency and accountability and completing the self-sufficiency within the region and inducing positive investment for the development with the citizen participation.
Thirdly, the planning must have harmonization between conservation of tradition and innovative development. In order to maximize the efficiency of the planning, the region area can be divided into three zones; the core of the city, inner ring area and periphery.
The conservation is prior to all other strategies in the core of the city, the city central function allocated and the accessibility rasied up. There are the policies to harmonize the conservation and innovation, to offer the public services to the inhabitants and maintain open spaces by way of a sectoral system in the inner ring area. The development policies in the periphery are to maintain developing space as well as reserving area. This study can have brought to the conclusion that Cheongju region hays to develop by way of making Cheongju city a growth pole of the region endowed with educational and cultural functions as well as one cored system of land use.
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