순교의 예배와 영성적 의미 : 조상제사, 신사참배와 관련된 순교를 중심으로 = Martyrdom From the Perspective of Worship and Spirituality
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Martyrdom is one of the dramatic forms of prophetic witness and prominent practise of spirituality. What kind of liturgical and spiritual implication does the martyrdom would have? This essay attempts at reflecting on liturgical and spiritual implications of martyrdom by taking the case of Korean martyrdom
The Korean experience of martyrdom within the Korean context had occurred in relation to four different issues as follows : Ancestral rites, Shinto shrine worship, Communist regime and Social and Political Witness in the 1979s and 80s. In the essay, only the first two issues have been reflected.
To speak the conclusion of the reflection on the two cases in advance, the Korean experience of martyrdom has a strong implication of political and prophetic witness.
The Roman Catholic mission that had started in the 18th century faced a serious confrontation with the Chosun dynasty around the issue of ancestral rites. The Roman Catholic Church refused to celebrate the ancestral rite which was the paradigmatic core value of the Chosun society. Loyalty to the king was based upon thefilial piety and political order was anchored upon this central value. The neglect of ancestral rites, therefore, meant the abandonment of everything that a Korean held most sacred―the duty which he owed to his family, society, and state. This refusal provoked a serious persecution of the Chosun society and a numerous number of martyrs were produced. The key issue of this confrontation was the question whether the Catholic believers should pay their ultimate royalty to God alone or the King or their ancestors who are representing the Heavenly mandate.
The second experience of the Korean martyrdom was in relation to the Shinto shrine worship which was imposed by the Japanese colonial regime over against the Korean Church. The Korean Church resisted it, because they regarded worshipping Shinto shrine as a serious violation of the First Commandment. The Japanese colonial regime brutally persecuted those who resisted and a number of the Korean Christians who resisted Shinto shrine worship were imprisoned and killed. What was the impact of all this on worship in the Korean Presbyterian church? As Karl Barth said that the First Commandment was an axiom of theology, worship was an axiom of faith for the Korean Christians. Faithful Christiansrefused to participate in Shinto shrine worship, because they thought it violated the First Commandment and by doing so they denied God. It was a confrontation between the sovereignty of God and the emperor.
These two cases of the Korean martyrdom demonstrate a strong implication of political and prophetic witness in the martyrdom.
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