공무원 부패에 관한 연구 = 부패방지법을 중심으로
KCI 피인용횟수
Corruption in Korea is still strong despite the enactment of various anti-corruption legislation, which lost their legitimacy when they were manipulated by previous regimes in order to reinforce political power and oppress opponents.
Corruption is one of the oldest and most difficult problems to solve. And the Anti-Corruption Act is established to serve to create the clean climate of the civil service and society by preventing and regulating the acts of corruption efficiently. Also, asserting firm action against corruption, on January 25th, 2002, KICAC(The Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption) took its great step toward a clean Korea.
The Commission established the behavioral standards for its employees with an aim to ensure its objectiveness and accountability and thus secure public trust. But Except the Commission shall launch an investigation in the event that any person has suffered a disadventurous disposition in his position on the grounds of his whistle-blowing, the Commission must only refer such case to a competent organization among the Board of Audit and Investigation, an investigative agency, or an agency in charge of supervising the relevant public institution and the Role of KICAC is very limited to take its legal activities on the grounds of the Anti-Corruption Act, unless prosecutors investigates employees on bribery charges.
Under this circumstance, it is difficult to build a powerful community of like-minded crusaders against corruption so that a clean and responsible society can be passed down to our future generations. But, A perfect system can be nullified and changed by a ruler's edict, if its operators manipulate it. In achieving a society free of corruption, a strong will is more important than a fine theory or speech. A corruption -free nation cannot be established unless the leaders of the country set an example by meeting the standards of their words, keeping clean hands, and following the rule of law over their private interests.
연월일 | 이력구분 | 이력상세 | 등재구분 |
2026 | 평가예정 | 재인증평가 신청대상 (재인증) | |
2020-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (재인증) | KCI등재 |
2017-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (계속평가) | KCI등재 |
2013-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) | KCI등재 |
2011-09-14 | 학술지명변경 | 외국어명 : Korean Law Review -> Law Review | KCI등재 |
2010-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) | KCI등재 |
2007-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 선정 (등재후보2차) | KCI등재 |
2006-07-10 | 학술지명변경 | 외국어명 : Law Review -> Korean Law Review | KCI후보 |
2006-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보 1차 PASS (등재후보1차) | KCI후보 |
2005-05-30 | 학술지명변경 | 한글명 : 法學硏究 -> 법학연구 | KCI후보 |
2005-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 유지 (등재후보1차) | KCI후보 |
2004-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보 1차 FAIL (등재후보1차) | KCI후보 |
2003-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) | KCI후보 |
기준연도 | WOS-KCI 통합IF(2년) | KCIF(2년) | KCIF(3년) |
2016 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.05 |
KCIF(4년) | KCIF(5년) | 중심성지수(3년) | 즉시성지수 |
1.07 | 1.02 | 1.083 | 0.19 |
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목 차
또는 회원탈퇴시까지5년
(「전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한3년
(「전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한2년
이상(개인정보보호위원회 : 개인정보의 안전성 확보조치 기준)개인정보파일의 명칭 | 운영근거 / 처리목적 | 개인정보파일에 기록되는 개인정보의 항목 | 보유기간 | |
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(참조 : RISS 이용약관 및 개인정보처리방침)
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고객센터 1599-3122
ARS번호+1번(회원가입 및 정보수정)