영성신학의 새로운 지평; 유대인 예수 탐구 -기독교 신학에 대한 새로운 도전 = Searching for the Jewishness of Jesus -A New Challenge to Christian Theology
KCI 피인용횟수
By looking into the life of Jesus and the birth of Christianity within Judaism, we may come up with the conclusion as follows. First, Jesus born a Jew was educated in Judaism and observed the Judaic seasonal feasts and rituals. Secondly, he formed a Jewish Christian community as the number of disciples increased; however they also existed within the synagogues, observing the Jewish laws. Therefore, Jesus and the early Christian community may be called the early Jewish Christians. Thirdly, as some conflict developed between the early Jewish Christian community and the traditional Jews, they could not coexist and finally the early Jewish Christians, which was a minority group, were expelled from synagogues. Fourthly, the relationships between these two groups got worsen and finally became irreconcilable. Fifthly, the Jewish documents which contain information about the historical Jesus are mostly distorted; however, they adopted the most essential things about Jesus from the four gospels. For instance, Jesus insisted that he is the messiah and the son of God. Jesus performed many miracles, he ascended into heaven, and many young disciples followed him. Christianity is presently challenged by Jewish understanding of Jesus. Up until now the study of Jesus has been done apart from Jewish background, and this kind of un-historical studies have caused conflicts between Christians and Jews. We cannot deny the fact that many ill effects and violence have been caused by that kind of hostile relationship. We are challenged to discover the life of Jesus and his teachings within the laws, culture and language of Judaism in order to find out each other`s root and be healed of each other`s wounds and hurts. We need to face the opportunity to take this challenge proactively and overcome the mistakes of the past.
연월일 | 이력구분 | 이력상세 | 등재구분 |
2020 | 평가예정 | 신규평가 신청대상 (신규평가) | |
2019-12-01 | 평가 | 등재후보 탈락 (계속평가) | |
2017-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) | KCI후보 |
2015-12-01 | 평가 | 등재후보 탈락 (기타) | |
2015-05-07 | 학술지명변경 | 한글명 : 신학과선교 -> 신학과 선교 | KCI후보 |
2013-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보 1차 PASS (등재후보1차) | KCI후보 |
2011-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 선정 () | KCI후보 |
2009-06-03 | 학회명변경 | 한글명 : 목회선교연구소 -> 기독교신학연구소영문명 : Seoul Theological University -> Christian Theology Institute Center |
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