바울 윤리의 기원과 배경 = The Origin and Background of Paul's Ethical Teaching -Paul's Use of the Mosaic Law in 1Corinthians 8:1-11:1
This study aims to examine the origin and background of Paul's ethical teaching in 1 Cor 8:1-11:1. Paul is well known for his teaching of justification by faith and this teaching is also closely related to his critique of the Mosaic law. Paul criticizes the law as not having any relevance to our salvation. Paul's criticism of the Mosaic law raises the question of the validity of the law for christian ethics. Does Paul look down on the law as a criterion for christian conducts? Pauline scholars have often expressed their negative view on the role of the law in Christian behaviors by arguing that the law is not a foundation on which Christians live. This view has their supporters such as Stephen Westerholm, H.J. Schoeps, Hamelton-Kelly, to name some of them. Brian Rosner indicates 8 reasons why majority of Pauline scholars have maintained the negative view on the contribution of the Mosaic law to Paul's ethical teaching. One of the reasons is that Paul makes negative statements about the law: Christians are died to the law(Rom 7:4); believers are not under the law any longer. Another reason is that Paul seldom quotes the Mosaic law to give ethical instructions.
The current analysis goes beyond Paul's direct statements about the law and examines to what extent the apostle uses the Mosaic law for his moral teaching. The study starts with discussing the weaknesses of scholarly views represented by Brian Rosner, Richard B. Hays and James D.G. Dunn and argues that scholarly discussions have focused on Paul's direct statement about the Mosaic law rather than his subtle use of it. The survey of scholarly views also reveals that Paul's use of the Mosaic law for ethical teaching has not been discussed in conjunction with Jesus tradition.
After setting forth our necessity for this study in the first part, the main body of this study deals with Paul's use of the Torah (the Mosaic law) with reference to 1Cor 8:1-11:1. While acknowledging there are several backgrounds to Paul's ethical teaching, the present study focuses on Paul's implicit and subtle employment of the Mosaic law for his moral instruction in the context of food offered to idols in 1 Corinthians. First, we examine Paul's reading and use of Exodus. Our analysis begins with Paul's explicit use of Exodus and turns to more implicit use of Exodus 23 and 34 where the term pro,skomma is used. Our examination of Paul's use of Exodus 23 and 34 shows that Paul does not simply allude to the verses where the word pro,skomma is employed but also takes into the whole context of Exodus 23 and 34. Paul evokes Exodus 23 and 34 to imply that God's people should not worship other gods but God. The next discussion considers Paul's reading of Deuteronomy which contributes to Paul's ethical teaching in more significant way than Exodus. The current study shows that Paul's ideas are directly dependent on several passages in Deuteronomy (1Cor 8:4/Deut 6:4; 1Cor 8:6/Deut 32:6; 1Cor 9:9/Deut 25:4; 1Cor 10:4/Deut 32:4, 15, 18, 31; 1Cor 10:13/Deut 32:4; 1Cor 10:20/Deut 32:17; 1Cor 10:22/Deut 32:21). Our discussion here reveals that Deuteronomy offers a kind of template for Paul's understanding of God in contrast to idols, unfaithfulness and foolishness of his people in spite of their claim to be wise.
This study concludes that in his ethical teaching, Paul does not simply use a few words or phrases out of context. He takes into account the whole context of the Torah. Our analysis clearly indicates that Deuteronomy 32 contributes significantly to Paul's teaching as the template in 1Cor 8:1-11:1. Paul certainly is debted to the Mosaic law for his ethics in spite of his claim that Christians are died to the law.
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고객센터 1599-3122
ARS번호+1번(회원가입 및 정보수정)