육가공모텔 시스템에서 아질산염의 역할에 미치는 향신료 환원성분의 영향 = Effect of reducing components in spice oils on the nitrite role in model systems
김인호 (서울대학교 농과대학 식품공학과) ; 김재욱 (서울대학교 농과대학 식품공학과) ; 이성기 (한국식품개발연구원)
Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem)(Applied Biological Chemistry)
발행기관 URL
To investigate the effect of spice oils on the nitrite role in processed meat products, eight spice oils, ascorbic acid, and nitrite at different combinations were added to marcerated pork, and cooked at 70 ℃ for 30min or 121℃ for 15min. The cooked sample were stored at 5.5℃ for 12days and pH, residual nitrite, redness, TBA value, and antimicrabial activity were analyzed. pH of the uncooked samples were stable at 5.6∼5.8 except in samples with nitrite alone, anise, ascorbic acid, and black pepper in which pH increased to 6.7∼7.8 after 5 days of storage. The pH of the cooked samples were stable at 5.9∼6.1 during the storage. Residual nitrite decreased rapidly on the first day of storage in each model. Residual nitrite decreased rapidly on the first day of storage in each model. The nitrite reducing effect was greatest in sample with ascorbic acid, followed by clove eugenol and thyme, but was small with peppermint. The redness of the sample was increased with ascorbic acid, colve, eugenol, thyme, anise, black pepper, coriander and rosemary except peppermint, specially samples with ascorbic acid, clove and eugenol were prominent. The TBA values of the samples with cloves, eugenol and ascorbic acid, stored after nine days, were 4∼6.5 lower than that of nitrite added sample and indicated strong antioxidant activity. The antimicrobial activity determined by inhibition 캐ne, was strong in samples with clove, eugenol, peppermint, thyme, coriander, black pepper, rosemary and anise had antimicrobial activity to the Penicillum sp. Specially with clove, eugenol, peppermint and thyme, while all the samples showed 7∼10㎜ inhibition zone to the Salmonella sp. The above results suggest that addition of eugenol, clove and thyme oil to the processed meat may increased the antioxidant, antimicrobial activity, and redness of the product so that could provide a way of reducing nitrite addition into meat products.
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