陶磁器의 特産化를 爲한 全北地方 粘土의 單味 效果에 關한 硏究 = The Study on Pure efficiency of clay of Jeonbug province for special production of ceramic ware
金盛泰 (圓光大學校 工藝專攻)
1. A purpose of study
As clay is an important material of a folk craft, it aims at making a contribution toward development of the regional ceramic were industry, the revival of a local characteristic which is falling behind, and the restoration of a folk craft by exploiting the characteristic of clay and using its natural resowces effectively.
2. A content of study
① A necessary analysis for exploitation of natural resources of clay.
a) In the restoration of a folk craft: clay has been intimated with the mass of people for a long time and has deepened our racial emotion even our inner spirit world but the rapid development of modernization reversing the view point of its volue, we should he in contact with clay further.
b) In the relation between clay moulding and human nature: The characteristic of clay having the sense of touch provokes people, having an impulse of moulding and it is essential to self-establishment: connected directly with inner development, it gives people more necessity of self-development, and also it is an important opportunity for person to develop oneself by moulding.
c) In the relation between clay resources and industry: clay, a material of ceramic ware, has been reducing in its production but on the contrary, A material such as stone has been in creasing in its production, clay-pit is distributed to a hill on plains such as Igsan county, Gimje county, Imsil county, and Wanju county, However, for a special regional product this regional clay should not he flowed out to other regions.
② The analysis of special quality on clay for each area of Jeonbug-province and its experimental production
a) The historical background on a study of clay resources: Jeonbug-province was in the cultural circle of Baegje kingdom.
A tile manufacture device was introduced into Baegje kingdom with Buddhism in septencker of the first year of the 14th king called Chimru and from 3 years it has influenced on art of Homan region, king seong 15 years, after returning to the capital called saki up to the present, clay production was in full flourish in the yedong peninsula located near Buan area at that time from king MunJong 1082 years to king Eu Jong 1170 years of korea kingdom and clay burning places was located in places. Especially clay burning places such as Gosu-ri, Gochang country and yong-ri, Jangsu country and Song su-ri, Jinan country were the target of study on their natural resources and the basic of ceramic ware productions of clay of Jeon bug-province.
b) The analysis of clay ingredient for each country of Jeon bug-province the. result of experimental productions (summary)
※ Clay of Mapo-ri, B an country: it is related to clay burning place to cuted at Sag Po-ri {the early period of yi dynasty the second period of yi dynasty} and its particle is minute, less destructive in chyness and disposition, and the other hand, the result of simple characteristic on reducing nature as follows: white-glaze-light green color, felspar glaze glay white, chon mog glaze red Brown, celadom glaze-beack-green.
※ Clay of Go Sa-ri, Buan country:Its fire proof was under sk 9.
The viscosity of it reduced when it was mixed with silica in the rate of 1 percentage. But its expabitalility is good. It contains iron in the rate of 5 percentage so that when the raw materials and of Mi-myean, Og-Gu country was used for surface powder, it reveals white coloring good parity.
※ Clay of wang gung-myeon, in Ig-San country: when It was exploited, two kind of it was found that is, the black clay and the redone. But the Black clay is better than the redone in its viscosity and exploitablity, experiment of its fire-proof marked S.K 17(I480℃). The degree of its contracticn was, when it was dried, 6. 8, and when fired, 4, 8.
It containes Fe₂O₃in the rate of 4.52 percentage which is spread in it like points. In its fire-producing pure efficiency, a natunal pattern was appeared which presented the aesthelic beauty in the transparent and the glazed pottery of celadon family.
※ The purity efficioncy of clay out of Whang Sari-myeon, Gimje country, Mal-yeong-myeon, JinAn country, and Shinpeung-myeon, Imsil country.
Clay of whang San-myeon, GimJe country, is very goed in its exploitablity cut its fireproof was low at S. K-6 a so that it is fitted only to the pure clay-ware and when clay-ware was glazed at a low tewperature it could make a good quality of clay-ware. The clay of the other regions reveals good purity of white color, and although the surface powder does not effect goed in its purity, but the fire proof reached to the high degree of S-K 10, so it can be developed to rrake a high quality of porcelain.
③ Some suggestions resulted from the experimental study
Jeonbug-province presenes mong good conditions for developing porcelain industry in the respect of its geographical position, natural nesources, and the historical back ground. So we should not only exploit the good quality of clay but develope its proper characteristic so that it way serve for the improvement of our locality and causes to establish the foundation of the revival of folk craft and to recover our national emations in order to create our new history.
3. Conclusion
˚ Search for the natural clay resources was basedou the fact that the place where in old days was located a ceramic kiln contains good quality of clay, the result proves the exploitability of clay of Wang gung-myeon, Ig san country.
˚ The purity efficiency varies from place to place.
˚ But clay of Wang gung-myeon was proved to be good in the application of the way of coloring and producing surface efficiency.
˚ Specialization of the ingenious clay products must be based in the purity of color, then the coloring method by surface powder minst be developed in the way of the mixation of transparent glaze and other clays.
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